IM 253401-01E
Appendix 2.3 Commands
Appendix 2.3 Commands
2.3.1 Command List
AOUTput Group
Queries all settings related to D/A output.
App. 2-11
Sets/queries the D/A output item.
App. 2-11
Sets/queries the preset integration time for D/A output of integrated values.
App. 2-11
Sets the default value as D/A output items.
App. 2-11
COMMunicateG roup
Queries all settings related to communication.
App. 2-12
Sets/queries whether a header is to be added.
App. 2-12
Sets/cancels local lockout.
App. 2-12
Sets remote/local condition.
App. 2-12
Queries the status of a specified circuit.
App. 2-13
Sets/queries the response to be in full or abbreviated form.
App. 2-13
Waits until one of the specified extended event occurs.
App. 2-13
Generates a response when on of the specified extended events occurs.
App. 2-13
CONFigure Group
Queries all settings related to the measurement conditions.
App. 2-15
Queries all settings related to the averaging function.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries averaging ON/OFF.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries averaging type and constant.
App. 2-15
Queries all settings related to the current range.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries the current auto range ON/OFF.
App. 2-15
Queries all settings related to the external sensor.
App. 2-15
Sets the scaling values for the external sensor for all elements at once.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries the scaling values for the external sensor for each element.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries the current range.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries the filter ON/OFF.
App. 2-15
Sets/queries the measurement mode.
App. 2-15
Queries all settings related to the scaling function.
App. 2-16
Queries all settings related to scaling value for {voltage|current|power}.
App. 2-16
Sets the scaling values for all elements of {voltage|current|power}.
App. 2-16
Sets the scaling values for each element of {voltage|current|power}.
App. 2-16
Sets/queries the scaling function ON/OFF.
App. 2-16
Queries all settings related to the voltage range.
App. 2-16
Sets/queries the voltage auto range ON/OFF.
App. 2-16
Sets/queries the voltage range.
App. 2-16
Sets/queries the wiring method.
App. 2-16
DISPlay Group
Queries all the display settings.
App. 2-17
Sets/queries the element to be displayed.
App. 2-17
Sets/queries the function to be displayed.
App. 2-17
Sets/queries the contents of the display.
App. 2-17
HARMonics Group
Queries all settings related to harmonic analysis.
App. 2-18
Queries all settings related to the display in case of harmonic analysis.
App. 2-18
Sets/queries the order of the harmonic component to be shown on display B.
App. 2-18
Sets/queries the element for harmonic analysis.
App. 2-18
Sets/queries the harmonic analysis mode ON/OFF.
App. 2-18
Sets/queries the input to be used as PLL source.
App. 2-18
Sets/queries the computation method for harmonic distortion.
App. 2-18