IM 701240-01E
For example, bandwidth limits of 400 Hz, 4 kHz, and 40 kHz are available on the 701251
(HS1M16). The frequency characteristics when the bandwidth is limited are shown
below. When Full is selected, the maximum bandwidth of the input module is used.
–3 dB
Approx. 400 Hz
Approx. 40 kHz
Approx. 4 kHz
Bandwidth Limit on the 701262 (UNIVERSAL (AAF)) and 701275 (ACCL/VOLT)
If voltage is being measured on the 701262 (UNIVERSAL (AAF)) or if you set the
bandwidth limit on the 701275 (ACCL/VOLT) to Auto, the anti-aliasing filter and low-pass
filter settings are set to values shown below according to the sample rate.
Sample Rate
Anti-Aliasing Filter
Low-Pass Filter
200 kS/s or higher
40 kHz
100 kS/s
40 kHz
50 kS/s
20 kHz
20 kS/s
8 kHz
10 kS/s
4 kHz
4 kHz
5 kS/s
2 kHz
4 kH
2 kS/s
800 Hz
4 kHz
1 kS/s
400 Hz
400 Hz
500 S/s
200 Hz
400 Hz
200 S/s
80 Hz
400 Hz
100 S/s
40 Hz
40 Hz
50 S/s
20 Hz
40 Hz
5 S/s to 20 S/s
20 Hz
40 Hz
2 S/s or less
20 Hz
40 Hz
Ext sample
40 kHz
For example, for sample rates between 100 kS/s to 50 kS/s, the cutoff frequency of
the anti-aliasing filter is set to 40% of the sample rate.
5.7 Selecting the Bandwidth Limit