IM GS210-01EN
12.2 Connecting the GP-IB Cable
GP-IB Cable
The GS200 is equipped with an IEEE St’d 488-1987 24-pin GP-IB connector. Use a GP-
IB cable that conforms to this standard.
Connection Procedure
Connect the cable as shown below.
GP-IB connector
GP-IB cable
Precautions to Be Taken When Connecting the Cable
• Firmly tighten the screws on the GP-IB cable connector.
• Multiple devices can be connected in a single GP-IB system. However, the maximum
number of devices that can be connected in any such system (including the controller)
is 15.
• When connecting multiple devices, you must assign a unique address to each device.
• Use cables that are 2 m or shorter in length to connect devices.
• Make sure the total length of all cables does not exceed 20 m.
• When devices are communicating, have at least two-thirds of the devices on the bus
turned on.
• To connect multiple devices, use a star or daisy-chain configuration as shown below.
Loop and parallel configurations are not allowed.