<5. Others (Converter)>
IM 12A01F01-03EN 2nd Edition : Feb. 19, 2019-00
Save configuration
You will save current configuration (configuration set) of FLXA402 and all connected sensors.
Save configuration screen shows a list of existing configuration set and [New name] in brackets.
Figure 5.9
Sample image of Save configuration
If you tap one of these items above, a dialog appears showing the set name you selected.
When you select [New name], the set name on the dialog box is blank and “Execute” key is not
If you enter more than one character on the box, “Execute” key becomes valid. Tapping “Execute”
saves the configuration set data with the set name you choose.
If you enter a new set name but which already exists, a confirmation message for overwriting the
data pops up. Select overwrite or cancel saving. If you select to overwrite, all the files with the
same name will be overwritten.
If the number of user configuration file reaches the limit, a message appears to warn you that you
cannot save the configuration file.