7.10 Sequence
IM FG410-01EN
7.10 Sequence
Number of saved sequences
10 sequences (saved to non-volatile memory)
Maximum number of steps
Maximum of 255 steps per sequence (not including step
of pre-start status)
Inter-channel operation
In sequence mode, the mode of both channels is the
sequence mode. Step control is done in common for
both channels.
Step control parameters
Step time, hold operation, jump destination, number of
jumps, step stop phase, branch operation, step
termination control, step sync code output
Intra-step channel parameters
Waveform, frequency, phase, amplitude, DC offset,
square wave duty
In-step operations
Constant, keep, linear interpolation (except waveform
Step time setting range
0.1 ms to 1,000 s (4 digits or 0.01 ms resolution)
Jump count setting range
1 to 999 or infinite
Step stop phase setting range
0.000° to 360.000° (CH1 reference phase. 0.001°
resolution) or invalid
Branch operation
State branch
Check of state branch input from multi-I/O connector
at step end. Upon branch input detection, branching to
specified destination step
Event branch
Immediate branching to specified destination step
through event branch manipulation or input
Control of step termination
Sequence end or transition to next step
Step sync code output
Output of 4-bit code specified for each step to multi-I/O
LSB outputtable to sync/sub-output connector
Usable waveforms
Sine wave, square wave, noise, DC, and arbitrary wave
Ramp wave and parameter-variable waveform can be
used through saving as arbitrary waveforms.
Maximum number of
usable waveforms
Step start phase
Oscillation start from reference phase 0° of each
channel at next step after DC or noise (excluding DC
and noise)
Sequence manipulations
Start, stop, hold/resume, event branch
Sequence external control
Input connector
Use of 4 bits of multi-I/O connector
Control items
Start or state branch, stop, hold/resume, event branch
Sequence external trigger input (start trigger)
Positive, negative, off (selectable)
Input connector
Use of external trigger input on CH1 side. Input
voltage and input impedance follow the external
trigger input specifications.