4.9 Burst Setting and Manipulation
IM FG410-01EN
signal for the oscilloscope.
i) To execute oscillation in half-cycle units: Set oscillation stop unit to half cycle
To stop oscillation in half-cycle units, set [OscStop] (oscillation stop unit) on the 2nd page of
the setting screen to [HalfCycle] (half cycle). Normally [Cycle] (1 cycle) is set. When [Cycle]
(1 cycle) is set, oscillation is done in integer cycles.
j) Usage of stop level
The level when oscillation is stopped is normally set with the oscillation start/stop phase,
but it can also be set independently from that with a proportion of the amplitude full scale.
Set [StpLvl] (stop level) on the 2nd page of the setting screen to [On] (on) and set the level
with a % value.
k) Noise triggered gate oscillation
Noise having no cycle, the gate-on period is the oscillation period, and the gate-off period is
the period stop interval. Further, since noise has no phase, the stop level setting is always
Gate on
Gate off
Internal gate signal
Trigger signal
Burst sync signal
Output signal
Gate on
Gate off