<8. Setting Parameters>
IM 01C27B01-01EN
8.3.13 Unit for Displayed Static Pressure
Follow the procedure to change the static pressure
Changing this parameter also changes the unit for
the static pressure display.
• Procedure to call up the Sensor Range.Units
Index display
AI2 block : Sensor Range.Units Index
Confirm that KPa is selected in the Sensor
Range.Units Index parameter for the static
pressure (AI2 block).
Monitoring the high or low static pressure of the
capsule depends on the setting of parameter
‘SP Select.’
• Procedure to call up the SP Select display
AI2 block: SP Select
Select High or Low in the SP Select parameter
for the static pressure (AI2 block).
Type of static pressure is set Absolute
pressure(Abs) at shipment.
When changing monitoring type of static pressure,
Follow below proce
• Procedure to call up the Static Press Type
AI2 block: Static Press Type
Select gauge pressure (Gauge) or absolute
pressure (Abs) in the Static Press Type
parameter for the static pressure (AI2 block).
8.3.14 Zero Point Adjustment and Span
Each EJX-B Series Differential Pressure/Pressure
Transmitter is characterized by factory. But there
are some errors caused by environment and
installed posture.
There are Zero and Span Adjustments to fine-tune
those errors.
Zero Adjustment is adjustment for one point to
adjust the bottom value of the measurement range
as 0 % of output.
The Span Adjustment defines input and output
characteristic between two points that’s one side
assumed as standard.
This is used when there is doubt of span drift or
when it is impossible to make zero at absolute
pressure with adjustment for user’s pressure
(1) Zero Point Adjustment
a. To set 0% at current input, perform
following procedure.
This method is used only when the pressure at
bottom of measurement range is zero.
• Procedure to call up the lower limit adjustment
parameter (Calibration Lowest Point).
AI1 block: Calibration Lowest Point
Set 0 to Calibration Lowest Point parameter for
differential pressure (Al1 block).
• Procedure to call up the calibration adjustment
parameter (Cal Cmd).
AI1 block: Cal Cmd : CAL_LOW
Lower limit is changed by using Cal Cmd
parameter for differential pressure/pressure
(Al1 block).
• Procedure to call up the calibration status
parameter (Cal Status).
AI1 block: Cal Status
Confirm the calibration status of CAL_
SUCCESS(1) using the Cal Status parameter.
b. To match current input and output value,
follow procedure
Like tank level measurement that is impossible to
set actual level to zero, output value is adjustment
to actual level by other measurement using
Differential Pressure and Pressure
Transmitter’s span is 0 to 25.00kPa, current
level is 13.50kPa, current output is 13.83kPa.
• Procedure to call up the lower limit adjustment
parameter (Calibration Lowest Point).
AI1 block : Calibration Lowest Point
Set the actual level value of 13.50 kPa to the
Calibration Lowest Point parameter for the
differential pressure (AI1 block). Apply an
actual input and confirm the value specified in
Calibration Lowest Point as the output value.
• Procedure to call up the calibration adjustment
parameter (Cal Cmd).
AI1 block : Cal Cmd : CAL_LOW
The present output is changed from 13.83 kPa
to 13.50 kPa in CAL_LOW of the differential
pressure (AI1 block) Cal Cmd parameter.