IM DLM3054-01EN
• If you change the trigger position when waveform acquisition is stopped, the instrument re-displays
waveforms using the new position.
• The time values of cursor measurements are based on the trigger position. If you change the trigger
position, the measured values will change (except during roll mode display).
• If you change the TIME/DIV setting, the location of the trigger position does not change.
Trigger Delay (DELAY)
The instrument normally displays waveforms before and after the trigger point. You can set a trigger delay to
display waveforms that the instrument has acquired a specified amount of time after the trigger occurrence.
Selectable range: −(post-trigger time*) to 10 s
Resolution: (1 ÷ sample rate)/10) or 10 ps, whichever is longer
* Post-trigger time: The time between the trigger position and the right edge of the main window
Trigger point
T: Mark that indicates the trigger point
: Mark that indicates the trigger position
Delay Cancel (Delay Cancel)
You can select whether or not to apply the specified delay to the time measurement values.
The default setting is ON.
• ON: Measures time values by setting the trigger position to 0 s (the delay is not applied to time measurement
• OFF: Measures time values by setting the trigger point to 0 s (the delay is applied to time measurement
The delay value is retained even if you change the TIME/DIV setting.
Trigger Hold-off (Holdoff)
The trigger hold-off feature temporarily stops the detection of the next trigger once a trigger has occurred. This
feature is useful when you want to change the signal acquisition interval, such as when you are observing a
PCM code or other pulse train signal or when you are using the history feature.
Input signal
Repeating interval: T
Trigger level
Trigger source
Trigger signals that have been suppressed over the hold-off period t
(when the trigger slope is set to rising)
Selectable range: 20 ns to 10.0000 s (the default value is 20 ns)
Resolution: 5 ns
4 Triggering