IM DLM3054-01EN
Analyzing and Searching SENT Signals (Option)
Analysis Source
Fast channel and slow channel of SENT signals
For the SENT frame format, see “
” in chapter 4, “Triggering.”
Bus Setup (Setup)
Source (Source)
Set the analysis source to one of the settings below.
CH1 to CH4/LOGIC,* Math1 to Math4
* CH4 or LOGIC, whichever the corresponding key is illuminated, can be selected. If you select LOGIC, select
the source bit (bit 0 to bit 7).
Format (Format)
This item is the same as that of Version, Clock Tick, Clock Tolerance, Data Nibbles, Pause Pulse, CRC Type,
and Customize Error Factor of the SENT signal trigger.
Display Channel (Display)
Select the channel to be decoded and listed from one of the settings below.
• Both: Both fast channel and slow channel are displayed.
• Fast CH: Fast channel is displayed.
• Slow CH: Slow channel is displayed.
Fast Channel Data Type (Fast CH_Data Type)
Select the fast channel data display method from one of the settings below.
Nibble: Set a 4 to 24 bit data pattern in unit of nibbles (4 bits).
User: Set the data sizes of Data1 to Data4 in the range of 0 to 24 bits.
• Select whether or not to display Data1 to Data4.
• The total number of bits for Data1 to Data4 is up to 24. If you try to exceed the total number of bits, the data
size of other pieces of Data is reduced. If as a result of executing auto setup (explained later), the number of
data nibbles in the input SENT signal is less than six, the total number of bits that can be specified is up to (the
number of data bits) × 4.
• Set the nibble order (Order) to Big or Little.
Slow CH Type (Slow CH Type)
Select the slow channel message type from one of the settings below. This is selectable when the format version
(explained earlier) is APR2016 or JAN2010.
• Short: Short message
• Enhanced: Enhanced message
Level (Level) and Hysteresis (Hys)
These items are the same as those of the edge search.
Auto Setup (Auto Setup)
Executes auto setup based on the specified sources.
The auto setup feature automatically configures the format, level, and hysteresis and then triggers at the end of
SYNC/CAL of the fast channel. You cannot execute auto setup when:
• The sources is set to Math1 to Math4.
• State display is applied to a LOGIC bit that is set as the source.
15 Analyzing and Searching Serial Bus Signals