IM DL850E-01EN
Event Search (Event)
You can search for an event number that was assigned during measurement.
Event Number (Select Number)
Select the event number that you want to search for. You can select a number from 1 to 100.
When searching manual events, the selectable range is 1 to 100 (maximum number of input events).
When searching capture events, the selectable range is 0 to 5000 (maximum number of captures).
If set to 0, the most recent capture event is searched for.
Searched Waveform Display (Result Window)
Event Type (Select Event)
Select the type of event that you want to detect.
• Capture: A dual-capture event
• Manual: A manual event assigned through the application of a signal to the EXT I/O terminal.
Executing a Search (Execute)
The DL850E/DL850EV displays the waveforms of the area around the selected event number expanded in the
zoom window.
Logic Pattern Search (Logic Pattern)
The DL850E/DL850EV searches for the specified logic pattern. This setting is valid only for logic modules.
Search Conditions (Setup)
Set the following search conditions: the waveforms to search, bit settings, and count.
Source Waveform (Trace)
Select the waveforms to search from the options listed below.
CH1 to CH16
* You can select only the following channels.
• Channels of logic modules
• Sub channels of CAN bus monitor modules or CAN & LIN bus monitor modules whose data types are set
to Logic.
Bit Settings (Bit Setting)
To set the logic signal pattern that you want to detect, set the signal states for Bit1 to Bit8. The DL850E/DL850EV
searches based on the AND of each bit.
• H: High level
• L: Low level
• X: The state of the bit is not used as a condition.
Count (Count)
Set the number of times the specified pattern must repeat. You can select a number from 1 to 1000000.
Searched Waveform Display (Result Window), Detected Point Number (Pattern No),
Search Range (Start Point and End Point), Executing a Search (Execute)
15 Searching Waveforms