IM DL850E-01EN
Peak Computation (Peak)
The maximum value at each point of the computed data is determined, and the resulting values are used to
display the waveform. For each computation, the new computed value is compared with the past value, and the
larger value is kept.
3 sets of FFT data
The maximum values of each point
are displayed.
• The DL850E/DL850EV normally performs scaling by using the computed data at the beginning (auto
scaling). For coherence functions and in other cases where the amplitude of the averaged waveform
changes significantly, use manual scaling.
• When you execute averaging, after measurement is stopped, computation cannot be restarted. However,
computation can be restarted if the number of data points for cycle averaging is changed.
• If you measure an averaged waveform with auto scaling enabled, you cannot change the scaling by
switching to manual scaling after measurement has stopped. Changes to the scaling settings are applied
to the next measurement.
• In user-defined computation, averaging cannot be performed on pulse width computation.
• If you change the computation conditions during averaging, the computed data up to that point is deleted,
and averaging starts over.
FFT Settings (FFT Setup) - user-defined
FFT computation is performed when you specify an operator that uses FFT computation (LS, PS, PSD, CS, TF,
or CH). Set the number of FFT points, the window function, the damping rate, and Force1 and Force2.
The results of the FFT appear in the selected computation waveform. Other than the fact that no FFT window is
displayed, this is the same as the FFT computation that can be performed from the FFT menu.
Filter Settings (Filter Setup) - user-defined
When using FILT1 and FILT2 in user-defined computation, set the digital filter type, filter band, and cutoff
frequency for each of the two filters (Filter1 and Filter2).
Filter Type (Filter Type) and Filter Band (Filter Band)
Filter Type (Filter Type)
Filter Band (Filter Band)
Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass
IIR (Butterworth)
Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass
CutOff1 and CutOff2 (CutOff1/CutOff2)
Set the cutoff frequency. When Filter Band is set to Low-Pass or High-Pass, set CutOff1; when Filter Band is set
to Band-Pass, set CutOff1 and CutOff2.
Selectable range: 2.0 to 30.0% of the sample rate
Resolution: Steps of 0.2% of the sample rate
11 Computation