IM 701450-02E
Working with the DL7400
Changing Waveform Display Conditions
This section explains how to split the screen, and how to change settings such as the voltage or vertical axis sensitivity
and vertical position, or the time or horizontal axis.
Setting the Screen Divisions to Single
User’s manual section 8.1, “Setting the Display Format”
The default number of screen divisions is four (Quad). In this case we only want to observe channel 1 so we change
the setting to Single (1 screen).
Open the selection menu, then choose Single.
Press the Display key.
Changing the Voltage Axis Sensitivity Setting from 0.5 V/div to 0.2 V/div
User’s manual section 5.2, “Setting V/div”
Turn the T/div knob clockwise to set the voltage axis sensitivity to 0.2 V/div.
One part of the waveform goes out of view due to the
rise in the voltage axis sensitivity.
The voltage axis sensitivity setting for CH1