IM AQ6380-02EN
2.2 Measurement Summary
Measurement (Details chapter 2 in IM AQ6380-01EN)
Sweep Settings
The instrument controls its internal optical system (monochromator) and measures the optical
spectrum (the optical power with respect to the wavelength).
The available sweep modes are (1) single sweep, which makes a single measurement, (2)
repeat sweep, which repeats measurements using the same measurement conditions, and auto
measurement, which makes measurements by automatically setting the measurement conditions
to the optimal conditions. If the optimal measurement conditions are unknown, auto measurement
is convenient. In addition, sweeping between markers, which makes measurements within the
specified sweep wavelength range, and 0 nm sweeping, which measures the variation in the level
over time with a fixed wavelength measurement point are available.
The 0 nm sweeping function is useful for aligning the optical axis when a light source is input into
an optical fiber.
Measurement Condition Settings
Measurements can be performed by setting various conditions. In addition to center wavelength,
span, wavelength resolution, and measurement sensitivity, a smoothing function that reduces
measurement waveform noise and a function for switching between air wavelength and vacuum
wavelength are available. By using the one-action key functions, you can set measurement
conditions using the waveform data of the active trace (trace set as the control or calculation
target). To use them, a waveform must be displayed in the active trace.
• One-Action Keys
One-action key name
Peak Level → Ref Level
The reference level is set to the peak level of the active trace measurement
Marker → Ref Level
The reference level is set to the moving marker level.
Peak WL → Center
The center wavelength or center frequency is set to the peak wavelength
or peak frequency of the active trace measurement waveform.
Mean WL → Center
The center wavelength or center frequency is set to the RMS 20 dB
center wavelength or center frequency of the active trace measurement
View Scale → Measure
The measurement scale (CENTER, START, STOP, SPAN) of the next
sweep to the zoom scale currently displayed.
Marker → Center
The center wavelength or center frequency is set to the moving marker
wavelength or frequency.
Δλ → Span
The sweep span is set to RMS 20 dB span × 6 of the active trace
measurement waveform.
Marker L1-L2 → Span
The sweep span is set to the span between line markers 1 and 2.
Peak → Zoom Ctr
The center wavelength of the zoom display is set to the peak wavelength
of the active trace measurement waveform.
Marker → Zoom Ctr
The center wavelength of the zoom display is set to the moving marker
Marker L1-L2 → Zoom Span
The sweep span of the zoom display is set to the span between line
markers 1 and 2.