8. Names and Functions of Parts
Power Key
Turning the Power ON
When running on battery
power, press the key to
start up with the Power
save function enabled.
Hold the key down until the
Power save indicator goes
out to disable the function.
When powered by the AC
adapter, the instrument
starts up with Power save
Turning the Power OFF
Hold down the power key
until the display goes out.
Backlight Key
Turning ON
When OFF, press the key to turn it
ON for approximately five seconds.
Hold the key down to keep the light
ON indefinitely.
Turning OFF
When the backlight is lit under battery
power, the light goes out
approximately five seconds after
releasing the key. When powered
by AC adapter, it stays ON until you
press the key again.
Strap Attachment Hole
For attaching the neck
strap and connector cap
lead (one hole on each
side of the unit)
Displays measured
data and various
other items. (see
page 10)
Optical Input Connector
For inputting optical power. Remove the
connector cap before making connections.
Supports both SC and FC optical connectors.
AC Adapter Terminal
Open the cap to connect
the AC adapter
Wavelength Switching Key
Switches the measurement
Press repeatedly to scroll
through the following options:
850 nm
1310 nm
850 nm