IM AQ1210-02EN
Specifications (OTDR common items, Light source)
Compliant fiber SM (ITU-T G.652)
Compliant fiber MM (GI50, GI62.5)
Distance measurement accuracy
± (1 m + measured distance × 2 × 10
± 1 sampling resolution)
Wavelength (nm)
Optical output level
–3 dBm ± 1 dB
–20 dBm or more
Level stability
±0.05 dB (1310 nm, 1550 nm),
±0.15 dB (1625 nm, 1650 nm)
±0.15 dB
Modulation mode
CW, CHOP (270 Hz, 1kHz, 2 kHz)
CW, CHOP (270 Hz)
Note. All the specifications are valid at 23˚C ±2˚C and after a warming up for 30 minutes or more, unless otherwise stated.
1 5 ns pulse width (when AQ1210A, AQ1210D (1310/1550 nm) and AQ1210E), 3 ns pulse width (when AQ1210D (850/1300 nm), AQ1215A, AQ1215E,
AQ1215F and AQ1216F), 55 dB or more return loss (excepting AQ1210D (850/1300nm)), 40 dB or more return loss (when AQ1210D (850/1300nm)),
IOR = 1.5, at a point at 1.5 dB or less from the peak value under unsaturated conditions
2 10 ns pulse width, 55 dB or more return loss, IOR = 1.5, point where the backscattering light level is attenuated to a value within the regular value ± 0.5
3 100 ns pulse width (when AQ1210A, AQ1210D (1310/1550 nm) and AQ1210E), 50 ns pulse width (when AQ1215A, AQ1215E, AQ1215F and
AQ1216F), for nonreflective fiber with a loss of 13 dB, not available for 850/1300nm of AQ1210D
4 20000 ns pulse width, 3 minutes measurement time, SNR = 1, decrease by 0.5 dB with an angled-PC connector
1000 ns pulse width (when AQ1210D (850/1300 nm)), 3 minutes measurement time, SNR = 1, GI50 (when AQ1210D (850/1300 nm)
5 ±0.05 dB for a loss of 1 dB or less.
6 At 20 dB below the spectral peak of pulsed optical output, at 23˚C, after 30 minutes warm up.
7 Constant temperature, for 5 minutes after 5 minutes warm up.
8 Typical. They are not strictly warranted.
Power Checker (/PC option)
Wavelength setting
1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm, 1650 nm
Power range
–50 dBm to –5 dBm
Measurement accuracy (dB)
±0.5 dB
Optical input port
OTDR port (PORT1)
1 CW, maximum input power: 0 dBm (1 mW)
CW, 1310 ±2 nm, spectral width: 10 nm or less, input power: 100 μW (−10 dBm), SM (ITU-T G.652), FC/PC connector,
wavelength setting: measured wavelength ±0.5 nm, excluding a secular change of equipment (add 1% a year after calibration)
3 OTDR Port 1, not applicable to Port 2