IM AQ1200-01EN
Setting the Work Completion Point
Move the cursor to a position that is a little after the installation point.
Press the
Completion Check
soft key to select ON.
• When Confirmation is set to “Check only once” or “Check everytime”
A message appears asking whether you have moved the cursor to the work completion point. Click OK.
Measurement starts. If the fiber end moves the distance indicated by the cursor position, the
Instrument displays a message or sounds an alarm. Press REAL TIME to clear the message or
turn off the alarm.
The Completion Check soft key is only displayed when work completion notification is turned on.
For the setup procedure, see section 3.8. Work completion confirmation is turned off automatically when
measurement is stopped.
Set the work completion confirmation (ON, OFF).
Real-time Measurement
Measurement conditions are set before the actual measurement takes place, but during real-time
measurement you can change the measurement conditions and adjust markers and the cursor. When
you stop the measurement, the Instrument returns to the previous screen.
• In Simple (Full-Auto) mode, you can only change the wavelength.
• You cannot change the attenuation if the averaging mode is set to Hi-Reflection. For details, see
section 3.5.
Wavelength Settings
• The “Wavelength 1” that has been set in the Multi WL mode measurement conditions is the
default wavelength in real-time measurement.
• On the AQ1200B, the wavelength is fixed to 1625 nm. On the AQ1200C, the wavelength is fixed
to 1650 nm.
• If you set “Wavelength 1” to 1625 nm or 1650 nm on the AQ1200E, AQ1205E, or AQ1205F, you
cannot set “Wavelength 2” or “Wavelength 3” to 1310 nm or 1550 nm, which are emitted from a
different output port.
4.1 Performing Real-time Measurement