All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2017
Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation
Printed in Japan
Thank you for purchasing our Temperature Probe.
This manual describes the specifications and handling precautions of the probe.
Before using this product, thoroughly read this manual to understand how to use it properly.
Regarding Safe Use of This Product
This product is designed to be used by a person with specialized knowledge.
When operating the instrument, be sure to observe the cautionary notes given below to ensure correct and
safe use of the instrument. If you use the instrument in any way other than as instructed in this manual,
the instrument’s protective measures may be impaired.
This manual is an essential part of the product; keep it a safe place for future reference.
YOKOGAWA is by no means liable for any damage resulting from use of the instrument in contradiction to
these cautionary notes.
The following safety symbols are used on the instrument and in the manual:
Indicates a hazard that may result in the loss of life or serious injury of the user unless the described
instruction is abided by.
Indicates a hazard that may result in an injury to the user and/or physical damage to the product or
other equipment unless the described instruction is abided by.
■ To prevent a potential hazard that may result in loss of life or injury, such as an electric shock,
be sure to abide by the safety precautions below.
• This thermocouple probe is for the thermometer or thermo-collector.
Do not use this probe for other purposes.
• Do not point the tip of an injection needle probe at anybody as it is very sharp and may result in injury.
• Check that the probe and thermometer match before use.
• Do not use a sheathed probe on an object containing electric potential since the sheath is not electrically
insulated from the internal circuitry.
• Do not use a deteriorated probe or lead wire.
• Do not touch the probe immediately after measurement, as it may be extremely hot and result in a burn.
• For a Surface straight probe, ensure that there is no damage to or peeling of the sensor sheath.
Using such a probe is extremely dangerous.
90050B, 90051B, 90055B, 90056B
TC-K Probe
IM 90050B-Z2
1st Edition: Oct. 2017 (YMI)
■ To prevent potential hazard that may result in injury or damage to equipment,
such as an electric
shock, be sure to abide by the safety precautions below.
• When using a sheathed probe (90050B and 90051B), be sure to insert only up to about half of
its length into the measured object.
Do not insert it further, or the grip will become extremely hot, resulting in a damage.
• Do not bend a sheathed probe, as this may result in damage.
• Ensure that the grip and cable of a probe is kept within the operating temperature range during use.
They are less heat-resistant than the sheath.
• To prevent damage when using a surface probe, do NOT:
1. Slide the tip against the surface of the measured object.
2. Use it on a rough surface.
(For a surface straight, this is extremely dangerous since it may cause damage to or peeling of
the sensor sheath.)
3. Use it to measure temperatures exceeding the measurement range.
90050B Rounded end
-50 to 600°C
3.2 mm dia.
200 mm
T < 375°C: ± 1.5°C
375°C ≤ T: ± 0.004 × T°C
90051B Rounded end
-50 to 600°C
1.6 mm dia.
150 mm
Surface straight
-20 to 250°C
Diameter of
thermosensitive part
15 mm dia.
(T-Ts) < 333°C: +2.5°C
333°C ≤ (T-Ts): +0.0075 × T°C
(T-Ts) < 167°C: -2.5°C
167°C ≤ (T-Ts): -0.015 × T°C
T: -20°C to 500°C, Ts: 0°C to 40°C
Surface straight
-20 to 500°C
Thermocouple type: K
T: measurement temperature, Ts: ambient temperature
Precautions when attaching/detaching the surface probe protection cap
The sensor (contact area) at the tip of the surface probe is a precision device.
Do not apply direct force to the contact area when attaching/detaching the protection cap.
Otherwise, the sensor may become damaged or deformed by mechanical pressure.
• The contents of this manual are subject to
change without prior notice.
• Customized models are subject to application of
their respective, separate specifications.
Contacts of Services
Overseas Sales Representatives
Global Sales Dept.
2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan
Phone: +81-422-52-6237 Facsimile: +81-422-52-6462
Euroweg 2 3825 HD Amersfoort,
Phone: +31-88-4641000 Facsimile: +31-88-4641111