NR120 5G Router User Manual
3.3 Management and configuration
3.3.1 Setting
The Setup screen is the first screen users will see when accessing the Router.
Most users will be able to configure the Router and get it work properly using
only the settings on this screen. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will
require users to enter specific information, such as User Name, Password, IP
Address, Default Gateway Address, or DNS IP Address. These information can
be obtained from your ISP, if required. Setting
WAN Connection Type
Seven Ways: Disabled, Static IP, Automatic Configuration DHCP, PPPOE,
Forbid the setting of WAN port connection type
Static IP
WAN IP Address:
Users set IP address by their own or ISP assigns
Subnet Mask:
Users set subnet mask by their own or ISP assigns
Users set gateway by their own or ISP assigns
Static DNS1/DNS2/DNS3:
Users set static DNS by their own or ISP assigns
Automatic Configuration - DHCP
IP address of WAN port gets automatic via DHCP