FXS Gateway TA400/800 User Manual
Figure 4-7 Set Hount Group on "FXS Port" Page
There are 3 strategies for hunt group on TA FXS Gateway.
All the FXS users will ring at the same time.
In circular hunting, the calls are processed "round-robin". If a call is delivered to
FXS port1, the next call will go to 2, the next to 3. The succession throughout each
of the FXS users even if one of the previous local users becomes free. When the
end of the hunting group is reached, the hunting starts over at the first local users.
Linear hunting is also referred to serial hunting. In linear hunting, calls are always
delivered to the first FXS users, unless it is busy, then the second, third, and so
4.2 VoIP Settings
To integrate with other IPPBX, we need to configure the VoIP settings in TA FXS
Gateway to set up VoIP trunk (SIP and IAX).