4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts
♦ Flowchart D: PG Encoder Offset Auto-Tuning
The flowchart below covers Rotational and Stationary Auto-Tuning procedures used to automatically set up the PG
encoder offset. PG encoder Offset Tuning should be performed when the PG encoder offset (T2-17) is unknown, when a
PG encoder offset value has been set but problems with the speed feedback occur, or when the PG encoder is replaced.
Set the motor and PG encoder data manually or
perform motor data Auto-tuning.
Set terminals H1-HC and H2-HC if Safe Disable function is used
Set the Baseblock input (H1-DD=8/9) if used
Close the motor contactor(s)
Select Initial Magnet Pole Search Parameter Auto-Tuning T2-01 =
Press the Up key until “Tuning Ready” is displayed.
Press the Run key on the digital operator and wait until
Auto-Tuning is finished.
N o - “ E r - 2 2 ”
R o ta tio n a l P G E n c o d e r O ffs e t A u to - T u n in g n e c e s s a r y
(S ta tio n a r y P G E n c o d e r O ffs e t
A u to - T u n in g p o s s ib le )
Uncouple motor and the mechanical system
of the elevator (remove ropes)
Select Stationary Encoder Offset Auto-Tuning
T2-01 = 4
Press the Up key until “Tuning Ready” is
Press the Run key on the digital operator
and wait until Auto-Tuning is finished.
Select Rotational PG Encoder Offset
Auto-Tuning T2-01 = 10
Press the Up key until “Tuning Ready” is
Release the brake.
Refer to
Auto-Tuning Fault Detection
on page 260
Remove the Fault/Alarm source
and repeat Auto Tuning.
Press the Run key on the digital operator
and wait until Auto-Tuning is finished
Refer to
Auto-Tuning Fault Detection
on page 260
Remove the Fault/Alarm source
and repeat Auto Tuning.
Open the motor contactor(s).
Open the Baseblock input (H1-DD=8/9) if used.
Open terminals H1-HC and H2-HC if used during the normal sequence.
Recouple the motor (ropes) to the load if decoupled for tuning.
<1> I f an LED operator is used, the display shows
<2> I f an LED operator is used, the display shows
E r S S ” .
F ig u r e 4.11 P G E n c o d e r O f f s e t A u to -T u n in g
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual