7.2 Inspection
♦ Recommended Periodic Inspection
Table 7.2
outlines the recommended periodic inspections for Yaskawa drive installations. Although periodic inspections
should generally be performed once a year, the drive may require more frequent inspection in harsh environments or with
rigorous use. Operating and environmental conditions, along with experience in each application, will determine the
actual inspection frequency for each installation. Periodic inspection will help to avoid premature deterioration in
performance or product failure. Copy this checklist and mark the “Checked” column after each inspection.
■ Periodic Inspection
E le c tric a l S h o c k H azard. D o n o t inspect, connect, o r d is c o n n e c t a n y w irin g w h ile th e p o w e r is on. F a ilu re to c o m p ly can
re s u lt in s e rio u s p e rs o n a l injury. B e fo re s e rv ic in g th e drive, d is c o n n e c t a ll p o w e r to the equipm en t. T h e in te rn a l c a p a c ito r re m a in s
c h a rg e d e ve n a fte r the p o w e r s u p p ly is tu rn e d off. A fte r sh u ttin g o ff the pow er, w a it fo r a t le a s t the a m o u n t o f tim e s p e c ifie d on the drive
b e fo re to u c h in g a n y com p on ents.
Table 7.2 Periodic Inspection Checklist
Inspection Area
Inspection Points
Corrective Action
M a i n C i r c u i t P e r i o d i c I n s p e c t i o n
• Inspect equipment for discoloration from overheating or
• Inspect for damaged or deformed parts.
• Replace damaged components as required.
• The drive has few serviceable parts and may require complete
drive replacement.
G e n e r a l
Inspect for dirt, foreign particles, or dust collection on components.
• Inspect enclosure door seal if used.
• U se dry air to clear away foreign matter. U se a pressure o f
39.2 X 104 to 58.8 X 104 Pa (4 to 6 kg-cm 2 / 57 to 85 psi).
• Replace components if cleaning is not possible.
C o n d u c t o r s a n d W i r i n g
• Inspect wiring and connections for discoloration, damage, or heat
• Inspect wire insulation and shielding for wear.
Repair or replace damaged wiring.
T e r m i n a l s
Inspect terminals for stripped, damaged, or loose connections.
Tighten loose screws and replace damaged screws or terminals.
R e l a y s a n d C o n t a c t o r s
• Inspect contactors and relays for excessive noise during operation.
• Inspect coils for signs o f overheating such as melted or cracked
• Check coil voltage for overvoltage or undervoltage
• Replace damaged removable relays contactors or circuit
B r a k i n g R e s i s t o r s
Inspect for discoloration o f heat stress on or around resistors.
• Minor discoloration may be acceptable.
• Check for loose connections i f discoloration exists.
E l e c t r o l y t i c C a p a c i t o r
• Inspect for leaking, discoloration, or cracks.
• Check if the cap has com e off, for any swelling, or if the sides
have burst open.
The drive has few serviceable parts and may require complete
drive replacement.
D i o d e , I G B T ( P o w e r
T r a n s i s t o r )
Inspect for dust or other foreign material collected on the surface.
U se dry air to clear away foreign matter. U se a pressure o f
104 to 58.8
104 Pa (4 to 6 kg-cm 2 / 57 to 85 psi).
M o t o r P e r i o d i c I n s p e c t i o n
O p e r a t i o n C h e c k
Check for increased vibration or abnormal noise.
Stop the motor and contact qualified maintenance personnel as
C o n t r o l C i r c u i t P e r i o d i c I n s p e c t i o n
G e n e r a l
• Inspect terminals for stripped, damaged, or loose connections.
• Make sure all terminals have been properly tightened.
• Tighten loose screws and replace damaged screws or
• If terminals are integral to a circuit board, then board or drive
replacement may be required.
C i r c u i t B o a r d s
Check for any odor, discoloration, and rust. Make sure connections
are properly fastened and that no dust or oil m ist has accumulated on
the surface o f the board.
• Fix any loose connections.
• If an antistatic cloth or vacuum plunger cannot be used,
replace the board.
• D o not use any solvents to clean the board.
• U se dry air to clear away foreign matter. U se a pressure o f
104 to 58.8
104 Pa (4 to 6 kg-cm 2 / 57 to 85 psi).
• The drive has few serviceable parts and may require complete
drive replacement.
C o o l i n g S y s t e m P e r i o d i c I n s p e c t i o n
C o o l i n g F a n ,
C i r c u l a t i o n F a n ,
C o n t r o l B o a r d C o o l i n g F a n
• Check for abnormal oscillation or unusual noise.
• Check for damaged or m issing fan blades.
• Replace as required.
R efer to D riv e C ooling F an s a n d Circulation F an s on
pa g e 2 77 for information on cleaning or replacing the fan.
H e a t s i n k
Inspect for dust or other foreign material collected on the surface.
U se dry air to clear away foreign matter.
U se a pressure o f 39.2
104 to 58.8
104 Pa (4 to 6 kg-cm 2 / 57
to 85 psi).
A i r D u c t
Inspect air intake and exhaust openings. They must be free from
obstruction and properly installed.
• Visually inspect the area.
• Clear obstructions and clean air duct as required.
D i s p l a y P e r i o d i c I n s p e c t i o n
D i g i t a l O p e r a t o r
• Make sure data appears on the operator properly.
• Inspect for dust or other foreign material that may have collected
on surrounding components.
• Contact a Yaskawa representative i f there is any trouble with
the display or keypad.
• Clean the digital operator.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual