6.8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults
Diagnosing and Resetting Faults
When a fault occurs and the drive stops, follow the instructions below to remove whatever conditions triggered the fault,
then restart the drive.
♦ Fault Occurs Simultaneously with Power Loss
E le c tric a l S h o c k H azard. E nsu re the re are no sh o rt circ u its b e tw e e n the m a in c irc u it te rm in a ls (R/L1, S/L2, a n d T/L3) o r
b e tw e e n the g ro u n d a n d m a in c irc u it te rm in a ls b e fo re re s ta rtin g the drive. F ailure to c o m p ly m a y re s u lt in s e rio u s in ju ry o r d e a th a n d
w ill ca u se d a m a g e to equipm ent.
1. Turn on the drive input power.
2. Use monitor parameters U2-DD to display data on the operating status of the drive just before the fault
3. Remove the cause of the fault and reset.
N ote: 1. To find out w hat faults were triggered, check the fault history in U2-02. Inform ation on drive status when the fault occurred such as
the output speed, current, and voltage can be found in U2-03 through U2-20.
Refer to Viewing F a u lt Trace D ata A fte r F a u lt on
page 266
for information on how to view fault data.
2. W hen the fault continues to be displayed after cycling power, remove the cause o f the fault and reset.
♦ If the Drive Still has Power After a Fault Occurs
1. Look at the digital operator for information on the fault that occurred.
Refer to Fault Displays, Causes, and Possible Solutions on page 241
3. Reset the fault.
Refer to Fault Reset Methods on page 267.
Viewing Fault Trace Data After Fault
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual