5.1 A: Initialization
S t e p
D is p la y /R e s u lt
U se
to change the value if desired (though changing the control m ode at this point is not typically done).
-P R M S E T -
C o n tro l M e th o d
A 1 -0 2 = 0
V /F C o n tro l
“ 2"
V /f
to save the setting, or press
to return to the previous display without saving changes.
E n try A c c e p te d
The display automatically returns to the parameter display.
-P R M S E T -
C o n tro l M e th o d
A 1 -0 2 0
V /F C o n tro l
Note: Param eter settings can be edited after entering the correct password. Perform ing a 2-wire initialization resets the password to
“0000” . R eenter the password to param eter A1-05 after drive initialization.
♦ A2: User Parameters
■ A2-01 to A2-32: User Parameters 1 to 32
The user can select up to 32 parameters and assign them to parameters A2-01 through A2-32 to provide quicker access
by eliminating the need to scroll through multiple menus. The User Parameter list can also save the most recently edited
N o.
P a r a m e te r N a m e
S e t t in g R a n g e
D efa u lt
A2-01 to A 2-32
User Parameters 1 to 32
A 1-00 to o4-16
Determined by A 1-02
Saving User Parameters
To save specific parameters to A2-01 through A2-32, set parameter A1-01 to 2 to allow access to all parameters, then
enter the parameter number to one of the A 2-D D parameters to assign it to the list o f User Parameters. Finally, set A1-01
to 1 to restrict access so users can only set and refer to the parameters saved as User Parameters.
■ A2-33: User Parameter Automatic Selection
Determines whether recently edited parameters are saved to the second half o f the User Parameters (A2-17 to A2-32) for
quicker access.
N o.
P a r a m e te r N a m e
S e t t in g R a n g e
D efa u lt
User Parameter Automatic Selection
0 or 1
Setting 0: Do not save list of recently viewed parameters.
Set A2-33 to 0 to manually select the parameters listed in the User Parameter group.
Setting 1: Save history of recently viewed parameters.
Set A2-33 to 1 to automatically save recently edited parameters to A2-17 through A2-32. A total o f 16 parameters are
saved with the most recently edited parameter set to A2-17, the second most recently to A2-18, and so on. Access the
User Parameters using the Setup Mode o f the digital operator.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual