4 Operation
4.3 Daily Operation
EcoTrim ET-1024 System
4.3.3 Control Master Job
With the system powered up and in TEACH mode, call up the Control
Master job:
1. Select JOB on the Programming Pendant touch screen.
2. Select CTRL MASTER on the Programming Pendant touch screen.
3. Press SELECT twice to activate the Control Master job.
4. Select PLAY mode on the Programming Pendant and press the PLAY
MODE ENABLE button on the door of DX200 controller (job playback
operation is enabled).
5. Press the SERVO ON button on the Programming Pendant.
6. Press the START button on the Programming Pendant (the Control
Master job cycles, waiting for a Cycle Start input from the Operator
7. Transfer control to the Operator Station by selecting REMOTE on the
Programming Pendant’s Mode Select Switch.
The EcoTrim ET-1024 System work cell is now ready for operation.
4.3.4 Operation Cycle
The following is the typical sequence of operation for the EcoTrim ET-
1024 System work cell after start-up:
1. The operator loads the fixture (on the operator side of the positioner)
with parts to be processed.
2. The operator steps out of the safety zone created by the safety light
curtain system and moves to the front of the Operator Station.
3. The operator presses the green CYCLE START/CYCLE LATCHED
button on the Operator Station. The MSR positioner sweeps 180°,
placing parts to be trimmed into the robot work area. The robot then
begins to trim the part (Optional Pedestal Operator Station’s
POSITIONER AUTO/MANUAL switch must be set to AUTO).
4. While the robot is trimming, the operator loads the operator side of the
positioner with the next group of parts to be processed.
5. The operator again moves to the Operator Station pedestal and
presses the green CYCLE START/CYCLE LATCHED button. When
the robot is are finished trimming, it returns to HOME position. The
MSR positioner then sweeps 180° to return completed, processed
parts to the operator position while moving the next group of parts into
the robot work area.
6. The operator moves back to the operator side of the MSR positioner
and unloads the completed parts.
Control of the positioner uses collaborative
motion between the robot and the positioner
external axis.
Collaborative motion is active when jogging the
tooling axis, loading, or unloading parts.
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