EcoTrim ET-1024 System
3 Installation
3.1 Required Materials
The EcoTrim ET-1024 System can be installed in a short amount of time
by two or three qualified technicians. Always comply with the established
safety instructions and precautions given throughout this manual during
the installation process.
The instructions given in this section are general guidelines for installing
the EcoTrim ET-1024 System. Refer to your system drawings and relevant
system component manuals for specific installation information (see
Required Materials
All system components and most hardware required for installation of the
EcoTrim ET-1024 System are included with your shipment. There are,
however, some required items that the customer must supply (hand tools,
special anchor bolts, etc.). These are not included with your shipment.
3.1.1 Customer-supplied Items
• Local electrical service
• Earth ground wires for the MH24 robot, DX200 controllers, and
peripheral equipment
• Chemical (optional) to increase the conductivity of soil in the vicinity
of the ground system
• Clean, dry air supply (15 scfm @ 90 psi)
• Stepladder
• Forklift and/or overhead crane
The EcoTrim ET-1024 System should be installed by qualified
personnel who are familiar with the installation and setup of a
robotic system.
The EcoTrim ET-1024 System is a robust industrial design. It is
also, however, a sophisticated robotic system that can be damaged
by rough handling. Be sure to handle all components with care.
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