Page 1: ...0Pro SERIAL NUMBER I I PURCHASE DATE Both model number and serial number may be found on the unit You should record both of them in a safe place for future use FOR YOUR SAFETY READAND UNDERSTAND THE E...
Page 2: ...c t ur come St I Eng neer t Y t u r e pertt f I l u t r o r uK d 1 t l l cl r J f r t w irran po rt all orc d Bua l rr n lly pr r e l ornc t ell YARDMAX 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Storage Tr 1...
Page 3: ...auJt 1 I ln lructhlm am not follDwcO I _______________ I l nll lt u J1 I Jf l r I I tl l P ll l llr I llX YUi t f IY r c r I f q 1t 1 e I Carefully read throush th s crntlr f oprrolor s monuol brlon u...
Page 4: ...t ac ttncGlemO C a cJc inc car p on n f l nt n 10 cx ar o ndLmJr c r an 1 1 tnnr c Ol dc t u r me a x 1 _ ngU Tht oc rnt Dt 011 It me acri q pnflC Olr a f al tm crcir c o www 9 i ttc0 aid t _ ac e zu...
Page 5: ...Stroo 10 V OICT A ADJU51MD 1 4 2 12 2 395 caci adunc e tTtJf sbm 0UU Ltt 0 5l 17az 1 3l 4 4 az Techrur ifd at a 70inn O BO mm adf omo 4 f a l fhxJr for tuft11a mfoonatiorl pletr t conttxt o I I fiat T...
Page 6: ...f tiar Do n o t oow to llle CAUOH MOHOXIOl HAZAIID f_ JI conutn 000i0n0UI Carbon AY Old 11 NUtIon of nh lutt an N ru C 1 1 1 ne 1_ j da sea orcon flncd onmt QUl M NT RN tne lmtruclloru prO ck d wlt11...
Page 7: ...ltl ilAttcr or 4mof O eo lllill atl UWri md co c t In c acr S all Datt ana U t S O DlTMIINGINl Q ct ttw a qpnc cal I llo nn _ o aJ 1 1 C w C nw OU V Jan 1 aDOIIUWe I a 8U1 rtUitty toD ttu ent lrnl bef...
Page 8: ...ul conditions uch u S llUlned h lct lo3d o 1 11 ih tcmocr uurc OPff Jl on or V 4 in unuswlty t dusty coodllJOO CDnsult Yo f Vl Jng lc K rcc ornmt nd 1li0tl n cl ublt to 04 lr lndlVldu ll nttdi Sld 7 I...
Page 9: ...Items1hould br 17 c oo cw y authamd d unJcsi vau l rl O o proprr mooand l l v orotlclf r l Itemlhould brS fVla d by omcch inlall t prof1c lent on or by lour authonled ctn a A CAUTION 6 NOTE 5eMu more...
Page 10: ...d on ht hear t1ien thP II IS nomw Do ncl worrv about tNt II or imffi expfodtn sauna occur u sn 3dv speed rcrmal lici ad bnrd ot sn I if wch l f tOht u uinsun OUT dukf for lo othtni U t ffllltllf m Jvb...
Page 11: ...ou OPt OIC the nglru tn very dusty u c u elem the 1ir hlt11r more ottcn tt Jln 1pcc Jhocd in the MAINTENANCE SCH OUL A WARNING Opt IOttns l he c ns1 n e without an w liter or th a do 011 lira 1 vfl ol...
Page 12: ...llor ll mibcrtht k llft ll1ntlCJd s Mu urc rhc park oru1 clur11 ce w th a fct lcr The clunn e should br O7 0 ml If ad vstmant II ntta be ld lhcl Udfd t1 0dt a dully 6 T o woad cros s thn 1 n11 flru KT...
Page 13: ...ING raJCIUK can lw left n vour f Ri tam and c arburrta wrlhout tuncDof lal probl em wfll 11ary with wch tocton as asalln blald ygur stonQ t and wtw1hcT lhC tank 1J portia fy o c ot tf Pkfdyfi d The m...
Page 14: ...ll fuel open fllel cock 2 Dredi air vent 3 Clean first and IhendrN lge 4 ReadJ t or clean blow to get through s Dismantle needlevalve ilnd r ll dean blow to get through 6 Repair float 1 Replilce 2 Rep...
Page 15: ...onbctlng Replace cyilnd ask et wllh cylinder 1 Too bis or too null val dear ince 4 Valvo tight nns Is poor RfMEOY 1 Exh iust air o drcdac fuel I 2 Rucljust 3 Clean ind blow to aet hf 0Ur d Clean repla...
Page 16: ...and eliminate it 1 Replace spark plug 2 R eplace spark plug 3 Weldon 4 ReplaceIgnition coll 5 Flnd out meeting and Insulate 1 Reoa1ror replace dama1ed parts REMEDY 1 Refill engine011 2 Cleanexhaust p...
Page 17: ...r 1 Too much c arbon deposit In c ombustJng chamber 2 lmproPer nutel bnnd 3 Enainc 1 OYerheat REMtDV 1 the worn p art 2 ReplKe the worn p 1rt J Rc ptace bu n na 4 R pt prston riOK 1 O C llr ifW tV car...
Page 18: ...ASYWOAN Pi RlSANO ACCESSOlt ESUS Easy wom parts list Cvttndrr r ad c o e t So arltpl o On_ 1th pskl t RecolI st ir ter t I CNtiuretor tmul 1ticn I l uuon pt t t vent jtZSla t 17 I Techmc o 6 Cornumc f...
Page 19: ...ii om W l l lflO t no lu rl r ino rr 11 1 o trv l Jt rn t e at t o n _ ornrr M l J Ulot ld IJf WM b i I Q Jal b I 1r Ot d1n l Altitude llortg 0 3000 It 3000 6000 fI ll XYJ 800011 Kt PM1 Nunltx t r 01...
Page 20: ...adG lo ad dusry or wet clrrumst mcc or In hlsh llJl ler hr IVY us111i of the ne shculd done morr oftm 1 1ure nnce 2 ll pa u b t oualltv ind rcll bllllv use only new sure c e To en ny rts or t lr eou1v...
Page 21: cnsu the pcr1orm tnco of ill sdlcdul d numt i n3nt C As the small off nv eauJpmmt C1WOC1 vcu nould however be iw arc Uu t VARDMAX drnv VoU w r im covcrage If VO J sm atl oil ro id mcnt c i l 1 I11...
Page 22: ...fuel in ectJOn tv ler l ul Ad fud r 1110f 1rc conlrOl svstcm nil CDld sort enr t sy1 ten 2 AJr lnduruon Sv ttm Ii Con roOrd hot a r lt1Ukt tcm C 1 lnukr m 1nifold J lplllJOn S e n 1 FtuiP I or dear0nf...
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