Yard-Man 26M Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 26M

Page 1: ...tsystemis equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresterisused it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveisr...

Page 2: ...nd copythe informationto the sample model plateprovidedto the right Youcan locatethe model plateby standingat the operatingpositionand lookingdown at the rearof the deck This information will be neces...

Page 3: ...O o 1 o 13 O3 13 13 O O O O5 E O 13 13 o3 13 O O o3 13 E 3 13 o 13 C5 5 O3 O5 13 t b 13 O9 o5 13 O O O3 5 O3 O O E Sight and hold this levelwith a verticaltree also I 15...

Page 4: ...liar withthese rulesof safe operationshould beallowedto usethis machine 4 Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Removeall stones sticks wire bones toys and otherforeignobjectswhichco...

Page 5: ...ling 10 Neveroverfill fueltank Filltankto nomorethan Y2 inch belowbottomof filler neckto providefor fuelexpansion 11 Replacegasoline capandtightensecurely 12 If gasolineis spilled wipe itoff theengine...

Page 6: ...gyour fingersout of the way _ WARNING The chute retainer must be removed and discarded before operating the mower Performthe followingsequencefor handlesetup a Liftthe upperhandleupfromfoldedpositionA...

Page 7: ...mlip of the mulchingbaffleinside the chuteopeningSeeStep7 b Snaphooksd the mulchingbaffleoverthe hinge pinof the chutedeflector Thehooksmustsnap into placeon the hingepin lockingthe mulching bafflefir...

Page 8: ...eze itagainstthe upperhandleto engagethedrive release itto slowdownor stopmowerfrompropelling Mulching Baffle instead of collectingthe grassclippingsinthe grass catcher yourmowerhas theoptionof recirc...

Page 9: ...igure2 Stopping Engine 1 Releasebladecontrolto stoptheengineand blade UsingYour Lawn Mower _ ARNING Neveroperate your mower without eitherthe rear door or the entire grass catcher assembly firmly secu...

Page 10: ...transmissionis pre lubricated and sealedat the factoryanddoes not requirelubrication 5 Followtheenginemaintenancesectionfor lubrication scheduleandinstruction for enginelubrication Deck Care 1 Disconn...

Page 11: ...bladeadapterflanges 6 Placebladebellsupportonthe blade Alignnotches on the bladebell supportwith smallholesin blade Replacehex boltandtightenhex boltto torque 450 in Ibs rain 600 in Ibs max Toensuresa...

Page 12: ...low 1 Fillcrankcasewithproperoil service dealer 2 Airflow restricted 2 Removebower housing andclean Occasional skips 1 Sparkpluggaptoo close 1 Adjustgapto 030 hesitates at high speed Idles oorl 1 Spar...

Page 13: ...xt to corrosivematerials suchas fertilizer Whenstoringanytypeof powerequipmentin a poorly ventilatedor metalstorageshed careshouldbetaken to rust prooftheequipment Usinga lightoil or silicone coatthee...

Page 14: ...ndevice Do notoverfillfuel tank Filltankto approximately 2 cmbelowlowestportionof neckto allowfor fuel expansion Keepgasolineawayfromsparks openflames pilot lights heat andother ignitionsources Neverf...

Page 15: ...tingengine pullcordslowlyuntil resis tanceisfelt then pullrapidly Removeall externalequipment engine loadsbefore startingengine Directcoupledequipmentcomponentssuchas but not limited to blades impelle...

Page 16: ...ORTANT Thisengineis shippedwithoutgasolineor oil inthe engine Runningthe enginewithinsufficientoil cancauseseriousenginedamageandvoidthe engine warranty Beforestartingengine fill withoil Donot over fi...

Page 17: ...engine Avoidrepeatedor prolongedcontact with skin or breathing of vapor Check Fuel Level 1 Cleanaroundfuelfill beforeremovingcap to fuel 2 Filltankto approximately oneinchbelowlowest portionof neckto...

Page 18: ...t Morefrequentserviceis requiredwhenoperatingin adverseconditions f Tasks Change Engine Oil Service Air Cleaner Service Spark Plug CleanAround Muffler Eachuseor every5 hours First5 hours v Maintenance...

Page 19: ...owtheelementto dry thoroughly Soakthe elementin cleanengineoil andsqueezeout theexcessoil The enginewill smokeduringinitial start upif too muchoil is left inthe foam 3 Paperelement Taptheelementlightl...

Page 20: ...compressthe washer When reinstallinga usedsparkplug tighten1 8 1 4turnafterthe sparkplugseatsto compressthe washer IMPORTANT The sparkplugmustbe securelytightened Animproperlytightenedsparkplugcan be...

Page 21: ...a lightfilmof oil 5 Storeina clean dryandwell ventilatedareaaway fromany appliancethatoperateswitha flameor pilot light suchas a furnace waterheater or clothes dryer Alsoavoidanyareawitha sparkproduci...

Page 22: ...Model 261Vl _ J _ i J _ i jJ _ J j_ _J iL41J _ 22...

Page 23: ...ForwardHght Adj Plate RH 37 741 0710 Sly Bearing 502x 627x 1 00 38 710 0216 HexCapScrew 3 8 16x 75 39 720 0426 AdjustmentKnob 40 748 0455 BearingSupport 41 731 04643 WheelDustCover 42 715 0221 Pin 43...

Page 24: ...Engine 1P65 24 25 21 17 o 7 14 8 iJ Q 24...

Page 25: ...0405 Air CleanerHousingAssemblyComplete 17 951 10304 MufflerStudAssembly 18 951 10363 FuelLineKit Inc hoses clamps filter 19 951 10358 FuelFilter 20 951 10300 FuelCap Assembly 21 951 10299 RecoilStart...

Page 26: ...GeneralEmissions WarrantyCovera_ MTDmustwarrantto the ultimatepurchaserandeachsubsequentpurchaserthatthe engineis 1 Designed built andequippedso as to conformwithallapplicableregulations adoptedbythe...

Page 27: ...The useof anynon exempted add onor modifiedpartsshall begroundsfor disallowinga warrantyclaimmade inaccordancewiththisarticle The enginemanufacturer shall notbe liableunderthisarticleto warrantfailur...

Page 28: ...pletedby someoneotherthananauthorizedservice dealer d e f MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates its possessions and territories exceptthosesoldthroughMTD s...
