Frequent, thorough cleaning of your ATV will not
only enhance its appearance but will improve its
general performance and extend the useful life of
many components.
1. Before cleaning the ATV:
a. Block off the end of the exhaust pipe to
prevent water entry. A plastic bag and
strong rubber band may be used.
b. Make sure the spark plug and all filler caps
are properly installed.
2. If the engine case is excessively greasy, apply
degreaser with a paint brush. Do not apply de-
greaser to the chain, sprockets or wheel ax-
3. Rinse the dirt and degreaser off with a garden
hose. Use only enough pressure to do the job.
WARNING! Wet brakes may have reduced
stopping ability, increasing the chance of
an accident. Test the brakes after washing.
Apply the brakes several times at slow
speeds to let friction dry out the linings.
Excessive water pressure
may cause water seepage and deteriora-
tion of wheel bearings, brakes, transmis-
sion seals and electrical devices. Many
expensive repair bills have resulted from
improper high-pressure detergent applica-
tions such as those available in coin-oper-
ated car washers.
4. Once most of the dirt has been hosed off,
wash all surfaces with warm water and mild,
detergent-type soap. An old toothbrush or bot-
tle brush is handy for hard-to-reach places.
5. Rinse the ATV off immediately with clean wa-
ter and dry all surfaces with a chamois, clean
towel or soft absorbing cloth.
6. Dry the chain and lubricate it to prevent it from
7. Clean the seat with a vinyl upholstery cleaner
to keep the cover pliable and glossy.
8. Automotive type wax may be applied to all
painted and chrome plated surfaces. Avoid
combination cleaner-waxes. Many contain
abrasives which may mar the paint or protec-
tive finish. When finished cleaning, start the
engine and let it idle for several minutes.
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