General Operation
A Word About Fingering
Standard saxophone fingering can be used with the WX11 with
no modifications. Since the WX11 uses electronic switches
rather than valves, however, very slight key pressure is all that
is required to change notes. If you're used to playing a sax or
clarinet, this may take a while to get used to, but you'll find the
WX11 easier and smoother to play in the long run. The WX11
does feature a few improvements which can significantly facili-
tate fingering in many cases. The trill keys, for example, can be
used with all notes rather than a limited few, to provided semi-
tone or whole-tone trills wherever necessary. In the same way,
the low B key can be used to flatten other notes as required. The
5 octave keys also provide the advantage of being able to use
standard fingering over an extremely wide range — from 2
octaves below to 3 octaves above normal pitch. Refer to the
enclosed WX11 Fingering Chart for details.
Selecting Performance Combinations
from the WX11
We briefly described how performance combinations can be se-
lected using the WT11 controls in the previous section, but you
can also select performance combinations directly from the
WX11. The WX11 is capable of transmitting MIDI program
change numbers (the data that is used to select voices on tone
generators and synthesizers) 0 through 4, allowing you to select
voices or performance combinations 1 through 5 on a tone gen-
erator or synthesizer. The fact that you can only transmit 5 pro-
gram change numbers is really not a limitation when using the
WX11 with the WT11 or any other YAMAHA tone generator
that allows "program change assignment," since this handy
function allows you to assign any memory location in the tone
generator to any program change number. You could select
voice or performance combination number 16, for example,
when you transmit program change number 1.
To select a performance combination hold the WX11 program
change key (1) and press the octave key (2) corresponding to
the program change number you wish to send:
3 octaves up
2 octaves up
1 octave up
1 octave down
2 octaves down
* Actually, the MIDI program change numbers transmitted are
0 — 4, but these correspond to memory locations 1 — 5 on
most equipment.