MIDI, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is a world-stan-
dard communication interface that allows MIDI-compatible
musical instruments and equipment to share musical informa-
tion and control one another. This makes it possible to create
"systems" of MIDI instruments and equipment that offer far
greater versatility and control than is available with isolated
instruments. The WX11, for example, transmits a number of
different MIDI "messages" that control different musical para-
meters. The most basic of these is the MIDI NOTE ON/OFF
message, which tells the receiving tone generator or synthesizer
to "play" a specific note. The various MIDI messages transmit-
ted by the WX11, and their functions, are described below.
MIDI "Messages"
Transmitted by the W X 1 1
The MIDI information (messages) transmitted by the WX11 are
as follows:
Note and Velocity Data
This information tells the receiving keyboard or tone generator
to play a certain note (specified by the MIDI note number) at a
certain dynamic level (specified by the MIDI velocity value).
Note and velocity data is transmitted by the WX11 whenever a
note is played. The velocity value determines how loud the note
is to be played, and depends on the breath pressure applied at
the attack of the note.
Program Change Numbers
The WX11 transmits a MIDI program number between 0 and 4
when one of its octave keys is pressed together with the pro-
gram change key. This normally causes the correspondingly
numbered voice or program to be selected on a receiving MIDI
Breath Control
This MIDI message is used by the WX11 to control loudness
over the duration of a note played. As you change your breath
pressure, the loudness of the note changes accordingly.
Pitch Bend
The pitch bend message is used to control the pitch of the note
played, depending on the lip pressure applied to the WX11 reed.
Sample MIDI Applications
A System Incorporating the MFC2 MIDI Foot Con-
The YAMAHA MFC2 MIDI Foot Controller can greatly ex-
pand the versatility and expressive power of your WX11 Wind
MIDI Controller. By simply tapping a bank select footswitch
and one of six program select footswitches, you will be able to
rapidly recall any of 30 different programs (performance combi-
nations or voices) on a tone generator or synthesizer, offering
easy access to a wider range of sounds. In addition, each pro-
gram number has 6 different parameters which can be pro-
grammed to add new functions to the WX11. It is possible to
have the WX11 control two different MIDI channels — and
thus two different voices — simultaneously but in slightly dif-
ferent ways. A Key Hold footswitch can be used, for example,
to hold a note on one channel while you continue to play on the
other channel, while wind (volume/timbre) and lip (pitch) data
from the WX11 has varying effects on each channel. In this
system the two different MIDI channels are used to independ-
ently control the WT11 Wind Tone Generator and a TX16W
Digital Wave Filtering Sampler.
To use the MFC2 with the WX11, the optional BT7 MIDI/
Power Pack must be connected to the WX11, and it's MIDI
OUT connector must be connected to the MIDI IN connector of
the MFC2, the MIDI OUT connector of the MFC2 can then be
connected to the MIDI IN connector of your tone generator(s).