Using the Hold Key
The WT11 Lip Zero Bar Graph
The WT11 makes the job of adjusting lip zero much easier by
providing a special lip zero bar graph function. Press the WT11
UTILITY button once to call this function. The display will
look something like this:
The vertical bar to the right of the display represents the central
(normal) pitch in the tight lip mode, or the lowest (also normal)
pitch in the loose lip mode. When lip pressure is applied to the
mouthpiece (or released in the tight lip mode) a bar graph will
move to the left or right of the vertical bar, indicating the
amount and direction of pitch bend applied.
• Normal pitch (loose or tight lip mode)
• Downward pitch bend (tight lip mode)
• Upward pitch bend (loose or tight Up mode)
After adjusting lip zero using the WT11 lip zero bar graph, you
can return to the play mode simply by pressing the PLAY but-
The hold key makes it possible to produce a pedal tone over
which other notes can be played. To produce a held tone, simply
press the hold key while playing the note to be held. The note
will be held even after you release the hold key, and you can
play other notes over the held tone in the normal way. To stop
the held tone, simply press the hold key while no breath is
applied to the mouthpiece (no note is being played).
The hold sound produced will vary according to the tone
generator's breath control parameter settings. If both the
breath control EG bias (BC EG Bias) and EG Bias sensi-
tivity (EBS) are set to maximum, the held note will be
heard only when breath is applied. The hold sound will
begin to be heard even when no breath is applied as
these values are lowered.
* None of the WT11 preset performance combinations
have the EBS parameters set to maximum, so held
notes sound even when no breath pressure is applied.
The display will appear at center position immediately
after the WT11 power is turned ON. To display the ac-
tual lip status, move the WX11 reed (as in bending
pitch) after turning the power on to send some MIDI
pitch bend data to the WT11. If, however, the lip zero
control is set to or near either of its extreme positions,
moving the reed may not cause transmission of the re-
quired pitch bend data.