Job 31 Divide Drum Track
Separates the note events in a specified track and places the
notes corresponding to different drum instruments in separate
tracks (tracks 1 through 8). If the source track is a track be-
tween 1 and 8 the data in that track will be overwritten. Data
other than note events will be copied to all 8 tracks. By sepa-
rating the drum instruments in this way it becomes possible to
edit then or apply effects individually, as well as apply realtime
control to individual drum instruments during playback.
1. Track
Specifies the source track to be divided.
Settings : 01 ... 16
Job 32 Copy Pattern
This job copies all data from a selected source style to a se-
lected destination style. You can copy track data from a single
section of a selected style, or from all sections of the style.
The copy operation overwrites any data previously existing
on the destination style.
1. Source style, section
The first group of settings selects the source style and
If you set Sec to “ALL”, the RM1x automatically sets
the corresponding destination value to “ALL”. (If you
change an “ALL” setting to a number or letter, the RM1x
automatically deselects the “ALL” setting at the desti-
nation side.)
Settings : Style
U01 ... U50
A ... P, ALL
2. Destination style, section
The second group of settings selects the destination style
and section(s).
Again, if you set Section to “ALL”, the RM1x auto-
matically sets the corresponding source value to “ALL”.
(And if you change an “ALL” setting to a number or
letter, the RM1x automatically deselects the “ALL” set-
ting at the source side.)
Settings : Style
U01 ... U50
Section A ... P, ALL
3. Preset phrase
Check this box if you want to copy a preset phrase to a
user phrase.
Job 33 Append Pattern
This job attaches a copy of the selected user pattern (pattern
“a”) onto the end of another user pattern (pattern “b”). After
completion of the job, the original pattern “a” remains un-
If you attempt to append data such that pattern “b” would
become longer than 256 measures, the RM1x returns the “Il-
legal Input” message and the job does not execute.
1. Source pattern (pattern “a”)
The upper Style and Section settings select the source
Settings : Style
U01 ... U50
Section A ... P
2. Destination pattern (pattern “b”)
The lower Style and Section settings select the pattern
to which the source pattern is attached.
Settings : Style
U01 ... U50
Section A ... P
3. Keep Original Phrase
Check this box if you do not want to alter the original
phrase data.
12. Job