Job 09 Chord Separate
This job plays opens each chord formation (within the speci-
fied segment of the specified track) into its individual notes,
inserting a specified delay between each note.
If the Clock value is set to 30, a block chord consisting of
elements C3, E3, G3 will be played as a C3 (at the chord’s
original timing) followed 30 cycles later by the E3, and then
another 30 cycles later by the G3. This feature is useful, for
example, when you want to open up guitar strokes.
Note that it is not possible to break chords over the next meas-
ure boundary or into the next chord.
1. Phrase setting: Phrs
Sets the phrase to which adjustment is applied.
Settings : 001 ... 256
2. Segment (M001:1:000 ~ M257: 1:000)
Sets the area of the phrase over which adjustment is
carried out. The first segment sets the measure, beat,
and clock for the start point; the second segment sets
the end point.
Settings : Measure: beat : clock
001:1:000 ... 257:1:000
3. Clock cycles
The Clock value sets the number of clock cycles in-
serted between adjacent chord notes.
Note that there are 480 clock cycles per beat.
Settings: 000 ... 999
Job 10 Shift Clock
This job executes a time shift of all data events on the se-
lected segment of the selected track. The shift is executed in
clock-cycle increments.
If you wish to move events by one or more full beats or meas-
ures, you may find it easier to use the Copy Event job. (be-
Note that this job will never move an event past the desig-
nated segment’s start or end points; any event that would oth-
erwise move past this point is instead deposited at the seg-
ment’s border.
1. Phrase setting: Phrs
Sets the phrase to which adjustment is applied.
Settings : 001 ... 256
2. Segment (M001:1:000 ~ M257: 1:000)
Sets the area of the phrase over which adjustment is
carried out. The first segment sets the measure, beat,
and clock for the start point; the second segment sets
the end point.
Settings : Measure: beat : clock
001:1:000 ... 257: 1:000
3. Clock
The Clock value sets the number of measure, beat, and
clock for the data shift.
Note that there are 480 cycles per beat.
Settings : Measure: beat : clock
001:1:000 ... 255: 3:479
4. Direction
Specifies the direction in which the data will be shifted.
“ADVANCE” moves the data toward the beginning of
the piece (i.e. notes will sound earlier), while “DELAY”
shifts the data toward the end of the piece (i.e. notes
will sound later).
Job 11 Copy Event
This job copies all data from a specified source area (phrase)
to a specified destination, overwriting any data already exist-
ing at the destination.
1. Source phrase
The Phrs value selects the track from which the data
are copied.
Settings : 001 ... 256
12. Job