PSR-S950/S750 Reference Manual
Pressing the [8
] (SET UP) button calls up the detailed setting display. You can set the
view type by using the [1
] buttons, then press the [8
] (OK) button.
Determines which MIDI channel in the Song data is used for the left-hand/right-
hand part. This setting returns to AUTO when a different Song is selected.
The MIDI channels in the Song data for the right- and left-hand parts are assigned
automatically—setting the parts to the same channel as the channel which is speci-
fied in the [FUNCTION]
Assigns the specified MIDI channel (1–16) to each of the left- and right-hand
OFF (Available setting only for LEFT CH)
Assigns no channel to the left-hand part. This disables display of the left-hand key
This lets you enter key signature changes in the middle of a Song, at the stopped
position. This menu is useful when the selected Song contains no key signature set-
tings for displaying notation.
This gives you control over the note resolution in the notation, letting you shift or
correct the timing of all displayed notes so that they line up to a particular note
value. Make sure to select the smallest note value used in the Song.
Selects the type of the note name indicated at the left of the note in the notation
from among the following three types. The settings here are available when the
NOTE ON/OFF parameter above is set to ON.
A, B, C
Note names are indicated as letters (C, D, E, F, G, A, B).
Fixed DO
Note names are indicated in solfeggio, with the note of C fixed to DO. The notes
“C, D, E, F, G, A, B” are always indicated as “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti” when the
language is set to English. Note that the note name indication differs depending on
the current language (
Movable DO
Note names are indicated in solfeggio according to the key of the current Song.
When the Song with the D Major key is selected, for example, the notes “D, E, F
G, A, B, C
” are indicated as “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti” when the language is
set to English. Note that the note name indication differs depending on the current
language (