Yamaha portatone psr 2100 Software Installation Manual Download Page 1








Accessory CD-ROM Installation Guide (PSR-2100/1100)


Accessory CD-ROM Installation Guide


Accessory CD-ROM Installation Guide



The “Special Notices” files in the Acrobat Reader/File Utility/YAMAHA USB MIDI Driver Installation Guide apply to all software in 
this CD-ROM.


Contents of CD-ROM


Never attempt to play back the included CD-ROM on an audio CD player. Doing so may result in damage to your hearing as well 
as to your CD player/audio speakers.


The applications in this CD-ROM are provided in versions for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The installation procedure and 
the applications themselves differ depending on the operating system that you are using. 


For Windows

For Macintosh


*1 You can start the application as either a stand-alone software or a plug-in application in the Open Plug-in Technology compatible application. See page 2 on the

Acrobat Reader/File Utility/YAMAHA USB MIDI Driver Installation Guide for details about Open Plug-in Technology.

*2 The applications are supplied with online/PDF manuals.
*3 Unfortunately, Yamaha makes no guarantee concerning the stability of these programs nor can it offer user support for them.


Folder Name

Application/Data Name




File Utility 


*1 *2


Enables you to manage files in the drive of the MIDI instrument.

MIDI Setup 

Enables you to use the File Utility.


USB Driver for Windows 98/Me

Enables communication between the MIDI instrument and your computer via a USB connection (for 
the indicated version of Windows).


USB Driver for Windows 2000/XP


YMIA Introduction HTML

Enables you to take advantage (via the Internet) of the most up to date music software and tools, 
enhancing your PSR-2100/1100 experience.


Acrobat Reader 


*2 *3


PDF (Portable Document Format) viewer. Enables you to view each PDF manual for the applications.


Folder Name

Application/Data Name




File Utility

Enables you to manage files in the drive of the MIDI instrument.


Open Music System (OMS) 




Enables you to use several MIDI applications on the Mac OS.

OMS Setup for YAMAHA 




Contains the OMS setup files for the Yamaha MIDI instrument.


USB Driver

Enables your computer to communicate with the MIDI instrument when your computer and the MIDI 
instrument are connected using a USB cable.


YMIA Introduction HTML

Enables you to take advantage (via the Internet) of the most up to date music software and tools, 
enhancing your PSR-2100/1100 experience.


Acrobat Reader 

PDF (Portable Document Format) viewer. Enables you to view each PDF manual for the applications.

Limitations on the PSR-2100/1100 when using the File Utility

The accessory CD-ROM contains a File Utility program. By using this software, you can transfer files between the internal memory or 
floppy disk of the PSR-2100/1100 and your computer, and edit them. There are some operating states of the PSR-2100/1100 in which it 
is not possible to use the File Utility or in which some File Utility functions are not available.

The following operations cannot be performed on the PSR-

• Changing the name of a protected song (“Protected” song data 

includes commercially available songs that have been copied to 
the USER drive.)

• Copying a file within the same folder
• Transmitting a protected song to the computer
• Transmitting path information to a device
• Accessing the Preset drive

You cannot use File Utility to perform file operations of the 
PSR-2100/1100 while the PSR-2100/1100 is in one of the fol-
lowing conditions.

• Demo mode
• Factory Reset execution

• When transferring a file between the PSR-2100/1100 and your com-

puter, you must set the type of characters on your PSR-2100/1100 to 
match the language of the operating system for the computer in which 
you installed File Utility. If the character code of the PSR-2100/1100 
does not match the language of the computer that is running File Utility, 
the file may not be handled correctly.

• On the PSR-2100/1100, the File Utility ID is fixed at “1”. If you specify 

an ID other than “1,” you will be unable to transmit or receive data. For 
details on the File Utility ID, refer to the File Utility PDF manual.
