PM1D System Software V1.6 Supplementary Manual
Clear Library
A CLEAR button has been added to each library screen, allowing you to erase a library as desired.
In previous versions, a library that was once stored could not be erased except by overwriting onto it. How-
ever in V1.6, you can select a library in the list that you want to erase, and then click the CLEAR button to
erase the library, returning it to a blank state.
If the FOLLOW SCENE button of the LIBRARY PROTECTION area (added to the PREFERENCE screen
from V1.6) is turned on (
p.48), libraries that are linked to a scene cannot be erased. (If you attempt to
recall, a warning message will appear.)
If this preference item is off, a library can be erased even if it linked to a scene. However in this case, the
library number linked to the scene will be remembered even if that library is now blank; when that scene is
recalled, nothing will be recalled to blank library items.
CLEAR button