Safety information
Be a Responsi
le Owner
As the vehicle’s owner, you are re-
sponsible for the safe and proper oper-
ation of your vehicle.
This is a leaning multi-wheel vehicle.
The safe use and operation of this ve-
hicle is dependent upon the use of
proper riding techniques as well as the
expertise of the operator. Every opera-
tor should know the following require-
ments before riding this vehicle.
He or she should:
Obtain thorough instructions from
a competent source on all aspects
of this vehicle’s operation.
Observe the warnings and mainte-
nance requirements in this Own-
er’s Manual.
Obtain qualified training in safe
and proper riding techniques.
Obtain professional technical ser-
vice as indicated in this Owner’s
Manual and/or when made neces-
sary by mechanical conditions.
Never operate a vehicle without
proper training or instruction. Take
a training course. Beginners
should receive training from a cer-
tified instructor. Contact a
Yamaha dealer to find out about
the training courses nearest you.
Safe Ri
Perform the pre-operation checks
each time you use the vehicle to make
sure it is in safe operating condition.
Failure to inspect or maintain the vehi-
cle properly increases the possibility of
an accident or equipment damage.
See page 4-1 for a list of pre-operation
This vehicle is designed to carry
the operator and a passenger.
The failure of motorists to detect
and recognize scooters and mo-
torcycles in traffic is the predomi-
nating cause of automobile and
such smaller vehicle accidents.
Many accidents have been
caused by an automobile driver
who did not see the smaller vehi-
cle. Making yourself conspicuous
appears to be very effective in re-
ducing the chance of this type of
• Wear a brightly colored jacket.
• Use extra caution when you are
approaching and passing
through intersections, since in-
tersections are the most likely
places for such smaller vehicle
accidents to occur.
• Ride where other motorists can
see you. Avoid riding in another
motorist’s blind spot.
• Never maintain a vehicle with-
out proper knowledge. Contact
a Yamaha dealer to inform you
on basic vehicle maintenance.
Certain maintenance can only
be carried out by certified staff.
Many accidents involve inexperi-
enced operators. In fact, many op-
erators who have been involved in
accidents do not even have a cur-
rent driver’s license.
• Make sure that you are qualified
and that you only lend your ve-
hicle to other qualified opera-
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