…and so on.
In this way, the MU15 skips over Banks that have the same Voices
as the basic Bank (Bank 000), and lets you automatically jump to
Banks that have unique Voices for the selected Voice number. In the
above example, Banks 002 - 017 all have the same Voice for number
005: “E.Piano1.” Bank 018 has a unique Voice, followed by another
unique Voice at Bank 032, and so on.
When the SFX kit (XG Bank #126) or Drum kit (XG Bank #127) is
selected , the Voice number is automatically set to 001.
Playing Drum Voices
The MU15 also features a wide selection of dynamic, realistic drum and
percussion sounds. These sounds are grouped together in Drum Voices and
each note on the keyboard plays a different drum or percussion sound.
For details on which drum sounds are assigned to which notes of the keyboard,
refer to the Drum Map charts on pages 80 - 83.
Select Part 10.
Do this in the normal way, by using the PART buttons.
Part 10 is assigned to a Drum Voice by default. However, any Part can
be set to a Drum Voice by selecting Bank 126 or 127 for the Part.
P l a y i n g t h e M U 1 5