FM Synthesis I, global and simple
acoustic vibrations
In the traditional acoustic musical instruments, sound is generated by
means of a vibrating mechanism. Overall we can distinguish two
diferent ways.
Firstly resonators, such as strings, stretched sheets and rods, which
spontaneously get into a damped oscillation when we hit them with an
energy boost. The hammer striking a piano string is one example.
On the other hand, we fnd complex composite systems as in string
and wind instruments. Under certain conditions these systems become
to vibrate, to oscillate. Each musician knows from experience that it
spends time and efort to realize these conditions by doing and
In the electronic musical instruments, a periodic vibration is generated
by means of an electronic circuit. That vibration is fnally converted by
the speaker back into an acoustic signal. Such an electronic circuit that
serves as the basic tone generation is called an oscillator.
In the frst FM synthesizers from Yamaha, as with the well-known
sound generation was completely formed in the digital domain in what
was called in Yamaha speak, the operator.
FM Synthesis I, global and simple, © Ernst Bonis 1985/1993/2013