Data List
MIDI Data Format
1. General
1.1 Scope
The specifications described herein apply to transmission and reception
of MIDI data by the DTX700.
1.2 Compliance
The specifications described herein comply with the MIDI 1.0 standard.
1.3 Legend
The following symbols have a special meaning herein.
$: Placed in front of hexadecimal numbers.
$nn: Indicates multiple digits.
2. Channel Messages
Channel messages on MIDI channel 10 are not received when the Rcv10ch
parameter on the Menu area’s Utility/MIDI page is set to “off”.
2.1 Key On & Key Off
Key On and Key Off messages are transmitted and received.
Range of notes received: 0 (C-2) to 127 (G8)
Velocity range: 1 to 127 (i.e., Note On only)
2.2 Control Change
The internal sequencer can record and play back all varieties of
Control Change message; accordingly, the DTX700 can both transmit
and receive all such messages. Details pertaining to the internal tone
generator and drum trigger function are described below.
2.2.1 Bank Select MSB (0), LSB (32)
Bank Select MSB and LSB messages are transmitted and received.
MSB = 0, LSB = any value: GM instrument voices
MSB = 127, LSB = any value: GM drum voices (see Note 1)
MSB = 125, LSB = 1: Drum voices, User kits 1 to 100 (see Note 3)
* Note 1: General MIDI drum voices
Only program number 1 is received, and the corresponding GM preset
kit is selected
* Note 2: Drum voices, preset kits
The drum kit having the same number as the received program
number is selected.
In all of these cases, a drum voice can be selected for MIDI channels
other than channel 10; however, the drum map used is identical to that
for channel 10.
2.2.2 Modulation (1)
Modulation messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.3 Foot Controller (4)
Foot Controller messages are transmitted and received.
2.2.4 Portamento Time (5)
Portamento Time messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.5 Data Entry (6)
Data Entry messages are received but not transmitted. These
messages are used to specify RPN data.
2.2.6 Main Volume (7)
Main Volume messages are transmitted and received.
2.2.7 Pan (10)
Pan messages are transmitted and received. A value of 0 corresponds
to the far left of the stereo image; a value of 127, to the far right.
2.2.8 Expression (11)
Expression messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.9 EG Sustain Level (31)
EG Sustain Level messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.10 Hold 1 (64)
Hold 1 messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.11 Portamento Switch (65)
Portamento Switch messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.12 Sostenuto (66)
Sostenuto messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.13 Harmonic Content (71)
Harmonic Content messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.14 EG Release Time (72)
EG Release Time messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.15 EG Attack Time (73)
EG Attack Time messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.16 Brightness (74)
Brightness messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.17 EG Decay Time (75)
EG Decay Time messages are received but not transmitted.
2.2.18 Effect 1 Depth (91)
Effect 1 Depth messages are transmitted and received. The message
value corresponds to the Reverb Send level.
2.2.19 Effect 3 Depth (93)
Effect 3 Depth messages are transmitted and received. The message
value corresponds to the Chorus Send level.
2.2.20 Effect 4 Depth (94)
Effect 4 Depth messages are transmitted and received. The message
value corresponds to Variation Send level.
2.2.21 Data Increment (96), Decrement (97)
Data Increment and Decrement messages are received but not
2.2.22 RPN
$00/$00 Pitch bend sensitivity: Received but not transmitted.
$00/$01 Fine tuning: Received but not transmitted.
$00/$02 Coarse tuning: Received but not transmitted.
$7f/$7f NULL: Received but not transmitted.
2.2.23 HH Controllers (1 to 95)
If, on the Menu area’s Kit/Pad page, the HH Func parameter
is set to “MIDI” and the HH MIDI Type parameteris set to any value
between “CC01” and “CC95”, a Control Change message with the
corresponding control change number will be sent whenever the hi-hat
controller is pressed.
2.2.24 Kit Transmit MIDI (1 to 95)
If the CC No parameter from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Other page is
set to a value between “1” and “95” for a specific kit, a Control Change
message with the corresponding control change number will be sent
whenever that kit is selected.
2.2.25 MIDI Message Type (1 to 95)
If the MessageType parameter from the Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Assign
page is set to “CC” for a specific pad, a Control Change message with
the control change number specified by the CCNo parameter from the
Menu area’s Kit/MIDI/Other page will, upon striking of that pad, be sent
via the MIDI OUT connector but not to the internal tone generator.
2.2.26 Pad Function (1 to 95)
If the PadFunc parameter from the Menu area’s Utility/Pad page is set
to any value between “CC01” and “CC95” for a specific pad, a Control
Change message with the corresponding control change number will
be sent upon striking of that pad.
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