Chapter 7—Other DME Designer Functions
DME32—Owner’s Manual
Editing Scenes Offline
Scenes can be edited and previewed offline, with no DME32s connected.
New configurations are created with a Default Scene in scene memory 01. Initially, this
scene contains the component parameters’ initial values, but it can be edited, titled,
stored, and recalled just like any other scene, although it cannot be deleted.
Choose Offline Edit from the File menu.
Note that the Offline Edit command is not available in Run mode.
The Offline Edit window appears, as shown below.
The Offline Edit window lists all the scenes in the current configuration.
Select the scene that you want to edit from the list.
Click Recall.
The selected scene is recalled and the component parameters are set accordingly. The
recalled scene becomes the current scene and its number and title appear in the config-
uration window’s title bar.
The scene is not recalled on any connected DME32s.
Edit the component parameters as required.
Click Store to store your edits to the current scene memory.
To store your edits to another scene memory, select that memory from the list, and then
click Store.
The scene is stored.
The scene is not stored on any connected DME32s.
To edit a scene’s title, select it from the list and then click Title Edit.
Alternatively, double-click the scene in the list.
The Title Edit window appears, as shown below.
Only scenes that contain data can be titled.