Commercial Audio Systems Division
DM 1000
System Setup
Connect microphones or line level sources to INPUT connectors 1-16 on rear panel.
48V (phantom power) switches if using
condenser microphones.
Connect line level (only) signals to OMNI IN connectors 1-4.
Connect OMNI OUT 9-10 (main stereo program) to a sound system, stereo recorder etc.
Connect AES or COAXIAL stereo digital outputs to a DAT, Hard Disk, or CD recorder.
Connect OMNI OUT 11 -12 to a stereo power amplifier and monitor speakers.
Power on, and enable 20db Pads for high-level signals, CD, samplers, VTR inputs, etc.
Set MONITOR and/or HEADPHONE level controls to 12 o’clock or desired listening levels.
Select METER key under DISPLAY ACCESS. Cursor to Pre-Fader and select Enter.
Set detented GAIN trim controls for peak levels at -6 readings.
Bring all channel input FADERS down, and enable all channels “ON”.
Set red STEREO FADER to “0” level.
- Plug in 16 I/O Digital, or 8-Input Analog Interface Cards.
Use adat Optical, AES, or
Tascam (TDIF) cables for connections to the recording devices.
- Select DIO key to Word Clock Select screen. Choose INT. 44.1k if recording to CDR.
- Select LAYER (1-16) key. Set faders to “0” (nominal) levels for initial tracking.
- Enable SELECT key above Input 1. Select VIEW key to edit Input 1 parameters & assign
Bus Outputs on screen or in SELECTED CHANNEL section on control surface.
Follow same procedure for all remaining input channels.
- Select LAYER (17-32) key for recorder return inputs. Bring up faders for playback mix.
- Select LAYER (33-48) key for Effects Returns on inputs 33-40.
- Select LAYER (MASTER) key. Trim back Master Aux. Send faders as required.
- Optimize analog input GAIN trim controls (occasional red PEAK indicator flickering).
- Select LAYER (1-16) key. Set Input Channel faders for desired mix balance.
- Enable SELECT key on the input you need to work with. Choose VIEW key to see all
channel parameters. Use rotary controls (above faders) for Pan, and Equalizer
(within SELECTED CHANNEL section) as required.