Operation section
This chapter explains how MIDI can be used on the AW2816.
What you can do using MIDI
On the AW2816 you can use MIDI to do the follow-
ing things.
Synchronize operation with external devices
Synchronization signals such as MTC (MIDI Time
Code) or MIDI Clock can be sent from the AW2816
to an external MIDI device such as a computer or
MIDI sequencer, to synchronize the operation of the
external MIDI device with AW2816 song. (The
AW2816 is also able to receive MTC.)
Operate the transport/Select recording tracks
MMC (MIDI Machine Control) messages can be
transmitted to the AW2816 from a computer or
other external MIDI device, to remotely control the
AW2816’s transport or to enable/disable tracks for
Select scenes
When a scene is recalled on the AW2816, a pro-
gram change can be transmitted to an external MIDI
device. Conversely, program changes can be trans-
mitted from an external MIDI device to the
AW2816 to recall scenes on the AW2816.
Control mix parameters
When you operate internal AW2816 parameters
such as fader and pan, control change or system
exclusive messages can be transmitted to an exter-
nal MIDI device. These messages can also be trans-
mitted from an external device to the AW2816,
controlling the AW2816’s parameters.
MIDI Remote functions
The AW2816’s faders 1–8 and [ON] keys 1–8 can
be used to transmit previously-assigned MIDI mes-
sages to remotely control a MIDI tone generator or
other external device.
Bulk Dump
Internal settings such as libraries and scene memo-
ries can be output as bulk data, and stored on an
external device such as a MIDI sequencer. By trans-
mitting the stored bulk data back to the AW2816, its
internal settings can be restored to a prior condi-