Yaesu FT-1000 Faq Download Page 1




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    General HF Transceivers/Amplifiers 




















The receiver seems to have a lot of hiss in it. What can I do about this? 

Activate the digital demodulator using Menu #7-7. The digital demodulator in EDSP has a much lower noise figure than does the standard (analog) product 

detector, and because we run the audio in the MP series at a wider bandwidth than in other models (to provide a flat response within which the EDSP can 

operate), the hiss may seem more apparent without using the digital demodulator.

For CW, set the "CW (RX)" parameter to "100-3100," and for SSB try setting "SSB (RX) to "300-2800" for added selectivity over the "100-3100" option. You might 

want to set "SSB (TX) to "150-3100" while you are adjusting this Menu area.


I am a little confused as to how to set up the filters. I have a full set of SSB filters; how do I set up the Menu? 

When you have a Mark-V with all filters installed, Menu #5-0 must be set to the “Off” position. This puts both of the 2.4 kHz filters in line in the “NOR” position, 

and the 2.0 kHz filters in the “NAR1” position.


When I tune just below the 80-meter CW band (starting at 3.499.99 MHz and tuning downward), the gain of the receiver goes way up. Do I have a problem in my receiver? 

Your receiver is just fine. You have the "Tuned" preamplifier engaged via Menu 8-4.

The "Tuned" preamplifier provides higher selectivity, and lower gain, on the low bands, while it provides a very low noise figure and higher gain on the high 

bands (21 MHz and up). On the low bands, the extra gain is not needed, and it only degrades the strong-signal-handling capabbility of the receiver.

When you tune just below 80 CW with the "Tuned" preamplifier engaged, the radio automatically switches to the "Flat" preamp once it goes outside the Amateur 

band. So you are hearing what the "Flat" preamplifier would sound like, should you have it engaged via Menu 8-4, while tuning within the Amateur band.


Is there a fast way to get to certain Menu items, like the Noise Blanker setting? I use that one a lot, and don't want to fumble around through the Menu to find the adjustment 


By pressing [FAST] and the [NB] key, you will be automatically switched to the Noise Blanker Level Adjustment Menu item (2-8). Press [ENT] to exit the Menu 

when you are done making adjustments.


Other "hot-key" combinations include:

[FAST] + [NOTCH] for Menu 2-9 (Notch Filter setup)

[FAST] + [VCC/MIC] for Menu 3-4 (Display Brightness)

[FAST + [BK-IN] for Menu 7-5 (Keyer Delay)

[FAST] + RX-(SUB VFO-B) for Menu 8-7 (Sub VFO AGC setup)


Can you explain the different settings for the Notch Filter in Menu 2-9? 

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