9 Reports
Reports are listed here alphabetically with notes on whether the report may be printed
automatically, or must be printed from a particular location in AutoRead. Some reports
are common to all protocols while others are specific to only one. The availability of fields
will depend on the selections made at the import level (i.e. the previous read value is
necessary to generate a consumption report, but must be supplied from the billing system
and imported into AutoRead to be available). If user defined fields are chosen on the import
format, they will not be readily available in the reports. A typical example of this is the use of
fields for customer names:
AutoRead's pre-defined Name fields are Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial, which
are made available in the reports. Often an extra field is chosen such as NAME in order to
pick up the complete name, which then is not available in reports. Because of this, there is
a field labeled Additional Information that can be chosen to pick up the name field or any
other user defined field that is desired in the reports. Additional Information is a catchall field
that is available in all reports but can only be used for one field.
A plus sign (+) listed before a Meter ID indicates a non-route meter. A bold (e) listed before a
reading indicates that it is exempt from the export file when LAST is selected. A exclamation
point (!) listed before a reading/note indicates that the reading/note was manually entered
through AutoRead.
: Each time you create a report, the data for the report saves to a .CSV file in the AutoRead
Reports folder using the following naming convention: routename_reportname.csv.
Feel free to contact Sensus AMR Support at 1-800-638-3748 option #2 for assistance in
modifying your reports.
Account List
Available in all protocols and printed only from the
tab in the Tree View.
Account List
report lists information on each meter of a selected route.
Alarm Summary
Available in all protocols and printed either automatically or from the
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