Power suppl y
Working enviroment
Real ti me clock
Power backup system
Comm unication system
Output contr ol system
Input sensin system
(A) Al arm ou tput termina l can b e con nected with a dditio nal external alarm unit for
so unding.
(B) O pen do or output ter minal can be matching used with elec tric lock for a ccess
co ntrol.
(C) A ntiduress ou tput te rminal can b e connected with hidden alarm to sen d help
si gnal to the nearest police statio n.
(A) P ush bu tton door op en sensing p oint.D oor wil l open instan tly when button is
pressed .
(B) D oor sta tus te rm inal can be conn ected with externa l magn etic sp ring for sensing
if the do or is cl osed or not.
(C) A ntithe ft sensing terminal can be conn ected with externa l magn etic sp ring for
se nsing if any applia nces a re closed or not.
(D) A ntitam per sensing termin al use d to se nse if the re ader is being tampe red b y
fo rce.
DC 12V/1A,Adapter.
Temperatur e 0 C6
0 C,Hum idity
15%85 %.
16*2 STN LCD display with 4 LED's indicators.
12 stainless steel buttons.
Internal equ ipped with a Real Time Clock(RTC)IC.
128 KB m em ory.
Equip ped with standby battery for saving if power is cut.
Equip ped intermally with RS485 interface.It can be
expanded to 255 terminals linking with computer operation
1. Confirm the power suppl y volta ge and polarly befo re ins tallatio n to prevent any
wrong conne ction that ca useda mage to the reader.
2. Use separate pow er sup ply to the electric lo ck and the p roximi ty read er.
3. Do no t insta ll the r eader nearly any m etal eq uim en ts or d etecto r area to pre vent
interfe rence of rea d dista nce.
4. Do no t try to fix or modify the re ader without autho rized e lectrician.T he reader is
guara nteed for one year.
1. Reader has no rea ction o r door does not open with proxi mity card.
Solutio n: (1) Please check if the POW ER ligh t(red)is on.If not,p lease check the po wer
supply to run the reader o n.
(2) Pleas e check if the proxi mity ca rd is d efected.Use r may use an other proxim ity
card to test.
(3) Pleas e check if pe rsonal password is entere d incorrectly or the user is still in
the setup mo de.
(4) Continuous proxim ity.Ple ase re move the ca rd from the reader and try again.
(5) Check if the DENY light(y ellow ) is on and continuo us beep sou nd occur. Th is
indica tes the user' s proximity card is not reg istered yet.
(6) Pleas e check if OK Light(green) is on and d oorop ening sound can b e heard
at the s ame tim e.If door is still not opened,p lease ensure that if the wiring or