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Gas: When installing or using the gas stove, please pay attention to 

whether the gas source is the same as the gas source of the gas stove you 



Ventilation: The gas stove should be installed in a well ventilated place, but 

should avoid strong wind blowing; 


Fire prevention: Flammable and explosive materials shall not be placed 

around the stove, and the stove shall not be used to dry towels, clothes, 



Anti-scald: After using or just turning off the fire, the rack, burner and 

other parts are still very hot, please avoid touching then with your hands; 


Keep away from children to avoid accidents; 


The stove is hot when using. When using the stove, avoid putting heating 

units on the stove. Metal objects such as knives, forks, spoons, lids, etc., 

should not be placed on the stove because they can be heated; 


When the stove and hose leak, the air reaches a certain level, it is easy to 

cause an explosion. At this time, please do not use any electrical appliances. 

Immediately close the propane tank valve, open windows and doors to 

keep ventilate, check the leak position after the gas is exhausted. And 

contact the seller maintenance department in time; 


If there is something wrong about the sotve, it must be solved by 

professional technicians. 

















95513 Deluxe Glass Top Gas Stainless Steel Stove 




