1. This manual is designed for the usage of HD900.
No part of this manual can be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without
the prior written permission of Xtool.
2. HD900 is just designed for the professional
vehicle repair or maintenance technicians.
3. Use the device only as described in this manual.
The user will be responsible solely for the after-
effects of violating the laws and regulations caused
by using the product or its data information, in this
case Xtool will not bear any legal responsibility.
4. Xtool shall not be liable for any incidental or
consequential damages or for any economic
consequential damages arising from the accidents
of individual users and the third parties, misuse or
abuse of the device, unauthorized change or repair
of the device, or the failure made by the user not
to use the product according to the manual.
5. All information, specifications and illustrations in
this manual are based on the latest configurations