XtendLan IVS400A, IVS400B User’s Guide http://www.xtendlan.com
3.6 Dynamic DNS
In many installation is IP address provided by ISP dynamic. It means changing during time. The user may
have problem to find his video server because the IP address is changing often.
The Dynamic DNS service is provided by www.DynDNS.org is for free and IVS400 has built-in support for
it. First, user must logon the www.DynDNS.org to register and apply a host name for each video server.
Then, every time the IVS400 connect to internet network, it will send a data package including its IP to the
www.DynDNS.org, so www.DynDNS.org will set the host name you have applied before during
registration. User then can access his video server using host name without knowing its current exact IP.
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