Ini$al Charge:
For the first charge, we
recommend charging the
PowerBar at least 8 hours.
Recharging the PowerBar:
Connect the PowerBar as
shown in Fig. 1. The lights will
flash in sequence to indicate
the device is charging. When
all 4 LEDs are ON solid, the
device is fully charged and
ready to use.
Charging Your Electronics:
Connect the device you would
like to charge using the supplied
USB cable. Insert the USB end of
the cable into the PowerBar port
marked “5V OUT”. ASer the
connecTons have been made,
press the Silver buUon to start
charging your device. Once your
device is fully charged, the
PowerBar will turn off
LED Flashlight:
Press the Silver buUon 2x to turn
on/off the LED Flashlight.
Fig. 1